I loved this adaptation

I have never read the book or seen another adaptation, thats maybe why I loved this version. I watched Mansfield Park the week before and it was such a let down, but this definately redeemed the Jane Austen season, it was brilliant! Felicity as Catherine fit the part perfectly as did JJ Field as Henry (not to mention hot and Jude Law looky likey, I think he may even come first above Mr Dary and Mr Rochester lol).

Definatey a must see in my opinion and very well done to the actors!!

Lois:"Are there any more at home like you?"
Clark:"Not really no"
Lois:"didn't think so"


I loved it too. I'm just upset that I live on the other side of the pond and couldn't see it when it first aired. Thanks to janeeyre who posted it on youtube. You're right Mansfield Park was a real letdown not that I was surprised, with Billie Piper playing Fanny. She doesn't even look the part. I loved Felicity and JJ as a couple, they were just so cute. While I'm not about to put JJ before Colin he did cut a rather dashing figure and just looked so delicious. I really loved his voice, I've heard it said his voice is that way because he smokes. I hope that is not true I prefer to think that it's his natural voice. Felicity was perfect as Catherine. Just the right mix of naivety and confidence and I loved her dream sequences. I loved every scene where she and JJ were together. Their kiss was so cute, I just wished they would have shown the wedding.
I can't wait till it comes out on DVD in the US so I can purchase it. I've already watched it numerous times on youtube and can't wait to see it in movie format.

Long Live Jane Austen!




It was much better than I had expected.

The Mansfield Park adaption was terrible, but this and the Persuasion one was pretty good.


I read the book after I saw the adaptation and I still loved it. I thought Felicity was brilliant. This was the best of the ITV season.
Mansfield Park was always my least favourite Austen novel so I wasn't expecting much but the film ended up being even more boring than the book.



I thought it was very good. The leads were very appealing, especially Cathy. I thought she was so innocent and pretty. Her character was totally believeable.

Henry was so cute and very good, except I wish he had more subtle emotions and a more gradual "falling in love." With a very sexy kiss at the proposal and not a dorky one. That's just me. I think JJ Feild relied on smiling and smirking too much instead of showing other emotions (except when he was angry or disappointed).

I think I've been so spoiled lately seeing great acting from Toby Stephens (Jane Eyre) and Becoming Jane (James McAvoy). They were absolutely fantastic. That being said I thought JJ Feild was very acceptable and would like to see more of him.

Also I thought Eleanor was Isabell were great also.
