I found a goof...

When Tilney came to woo Catherine in the end at her family's home...while he was drinkin' the lemonade the glass was almost empty after he drank almost all of it...in the next shot it was full again and the shot after it was almost empty again....


He's magic!


Still love that scene though, especially Catherine's little sister behind her, I thought she was great....if looks could kill poor Mr Tilney for hurting her big sister!


That windowsill the kids sat on is the same windowsill that Tom Lefroy sat on in Becoming Jane



of course it's on youtube where I've watched it so many times. But I'm still buying the DVD.


I was pretty sure that was the same house and yard, but I hadn't thought about the window sill.

Anyway, Becoming Jane releases to dvd on Feb 12th.

In the North, we value our independance - John Thornton

