Your cuts pretty well line up with mine but for a couple differences. Here's what I wrote in another forum. I'll pass them on here, and you can see what differs.
The cuts I saw are:
1. When Catherine and Mrs. Allen enter the ball, they squeeze through the crowded floor, see the dancing pairs and Mrs. Allen suggests they go to the tea room. The entire tea room scene is cut. The scene goes directly to the bumping into of Mr. Tilney.
2. I don't remember what the building was but it was the one that Isabelle and Catherine went to after the library. The scene where they exit and the two young men start to follow them was gone.
3. The only interesting scene that was cut was the bathtub dream sequence.
4. When Catherine is invited to NA by the father - when they arrive late at the Allen residence to pick her up, missing was the conversation inside the home, with the Allens, about not keeping them waiting.
5. At dinner time at NA when General Tilney and Henry are waiting at the top of the steps to escort the ladies down to the dining room and General Tilney bellows when the meal will be on the table - all that was missing.
6. After General Tilney leaves for the day and you see the scene of his coach driving off and Henry, Catherine, and Eleanor are watching him being driven away - the scene that follows with the apple picking was cut out.
There may be others but that's all I caught. I feel that if PBS had to cut anything out, they did a better job with this one. I kind of missed the bathtub dream sequence where Henry Tilney dressed in Clergyman hat assists Catherine out of a bathtub set in the forest.
I checked the runtime on the dvd case and it was 90 minutes. I think you are right in it being about 5 minutes.
Genie (Florida)