What Would Have Happened...

What would have happened if the parents never realized the group had killed their daughter, & everyone just stayed the night as intended? The parents obviously could ID them, so they would have killed them, right? So why not do it that evening & spend the rest of the night doing whatever they wanted in the house? I know there was no car or working phone, but the power could have come back on at any time, which could have led to them seeing the news & calling the cops. Why risk it?


I thought the creeps never knew the truth about the parents, only Justin. Did I forget something?


No, you're right. Aaron Paul's character didn't realize it until later when he came back into the house & saw her in the living room. But they were in the news that day, in the newspaper & probably on tv when the power came back on. So even if they still didn't know they had tried to kill their daughter, they still could have found out they were wanted & called the cops. I guess the answer to these types of questions tends to be, "Because that would result in a very dull movie."


Probably, and the creeps seemed to be oblivious to a lot; not that surprising considering their psychopathic narcissism, really.


If the parents never realized they were criminals there would be nothing to ID and finding thier car crashed and daughter missing does not necessarely tie it to the criminals from police perspective.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Again, they could have discovered it on tv or in the next morning's paper before everyone left. Neither likely, but it could have happened. Even if they hadn't, the investigation into the wrecked car & missing girls would have led straight back to the motel, where they were last seen. I assume the group was checked in under a fake name, but police would have realized the descriptions of the group whose room the car was parked directly outside of matched those of the missing felon & his accomplices, so they would know that the group was recently in that specific area & what kind of injuries they had to make them easier to id.

And yes, I know I've given this way too much thought. I just love this movie & have always wondered about this possibility...


It's one of the many questions such scenarios present.


you make a good point about recognizing them on TV.

however the tracing would not necessarely connect the two. since there were no other people but the criminals themselves that saw the girls go to the motel, and likely they took extra precaution since they were going to buy illegal drugs, noone saw the girls with the criminals. if the girl would have died in the lake, her crashing and then dieing in the lake may look like a possible unrelated accident. not sure how well the gunshot wound would be recieved.

nothing wrong with analising movies. after all we are here on those boards to discuss movies.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
