MovieChat Forums > The Last House on the Left (2009) Discussion > Misleading plot description by IMDB Edit...

Misleading plot description by IMDB Editors - SPOILERS

It says mom and pop "devise an increasingly gruesome series of revenge tactics." Uhhh, no they don't. They embark on a series of improvised fights. They don't even plan the first fight and the subsequent ones don't have a strategy beyond "Let's go get 'em!" The very last scene has been 'devised' but anyone hoping to see a bunch of sociopaths revenge-raped with garden tools and kitchen utensils will be disappointed.


I usually don't even bother reading the IMDB descriptions. Half the time they're wrong, & some of them are like SUPER wrong, & you wonder where the hell they even came up with that...


OP, you should see the plot point for the original "I Spit on your Grave".


Plot synopsis is usually wrong on IMDB

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


You're right. I was expecting gratuitous gore torture scenes and thought I would have to switch off before the end, but it turned out to be a really gripping movie.

I think I'll stick to reading the user reviews, hopefully avoiding spoilers.
