Homicidal maniacs ?

A description I read stated that the 2 girls were abducted by "homicidal maniacs". So we are just to assume that they kill anything, anywhere at anytime, ridiculous. I know many of you will say "It's a horror flick, why read into it" but it's for this reason I find the entire genre silly and worthless.

The nemesis always seems to kill without provocation or reason, and the viewer is supposed to simply accept this, leave your mind at the door. Well I personally feel insulted, I hate a film that makes me feel dumbed down. Sure you could say they had a bad childhood, they were abused, did jail time, had a criminal history, etc. etc. etc. Why then wouldn't they want to lay low after escaping and get away and stay free.

Yes there are psychopathic people in the world but "Krug" didn't appear to be that way, neither did his girlfriend or brother. It seems to me the people that are attracted to these films simply want to satisfy their desire for violence and gore, they are the true psychopaths.


What do you mean, Krug and his girlfriend didn't seem to be that way?


At the very least, they were cold-blooded psychopaths.


Krug violently maliciously kills the cop at the start, rapes and attempts to kill two other innocent girls, is abusive towards his son, and (likely) again would have attempted to kill the older couple

they were homicidal maniacs quite obviously. not to mention the fact we have no idea how many others they had killer in events prior to the film, especially when the main villain was being transferred to a jail at the start of the film

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again
