The bad guys died too quickly.
I wanted them to suffer way longer.
You're right about the spoilers, my apologies! I foolishly assumed it was a known fact that this is a revenge movie. I knew it was before I saw it which was what made me watch it. But you are absolutely right, not everyone is going to know that.
But back to the torture. I first caught this on TV, and it was WAY edited. I rented it the same night to watch with my Husband, who was reluctant. I can't watch what happens to the girls in full, but I don't even flinch when the parents do what they do and again, I wanted WAY more of it.
"Keep the weed wacker, Frank!"
Bad guys die in horror movies? oh, such a spoiler!
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
Well nothing like that happens, gogo, because with maybe a few exceptions in the film, the parents were portrayed like fairly real people, who had other things to worry about like keeping the family safe and not letting themselves get killed. The film teetered on the edge of a typical gore thrill, but it didn't plummet; it was satisfying. So, in a different way, was the original "I Spit on your Grave"; the woman wanted the men dead and to suffer, but the first had priority because 1) she was more concerned about protecting herself and 2) she was not a twisted person.