I think The Last House on the Left remake is a better-made film. The acting's better. There is better development, etc.
But I think the revenge aspect was done better in I Spit On Your Grave. The bad guys in it suffered greatly... Which is more than I can say for Last House. I didn't feel the bad guys in it suffered enough.
If I am honest, I'm just not hooked on your phonics. - Ke$ha
I think Last House is better. Last House was strong the whole way through. It grabbed you from the first sequence and was intense throughout the entire film. I didn't find that to be the case with I Spit. Parts were gripping, parts meandered. It wasn't as tight and didn't quite have the impulsion that Last House did. I also agree with you; I think that all of the acting in LHotL was excellent (alright, I didn't think Mom was great, but other then that, wow!) The acting in I Spit was meh. I think she did her darndest, but Sarah Butler just couldn't pull off the role. During the "big scenes" I found myself mesmerized by Sara Paxton. When I first saw the movie, I ran straight to IMDB to find out who she was and was AMAZED that she'd never done any real dramatic work before. Sarah Butler was only okay. Sometimes I really empathized with her and sometimes she'd do something that would totally take me out of the character. There were several times when she seemed to be trying too hard so that the "acting" was obvious and a little bit painful.
I have to disagree about the revenge part. Sure, if you want gore, you're better of with I Spit. But I thought the revenge was pretty far-fetched and a bit ridiculous, whereas Last House was far more believable. It wasn't a simple revenge flick, there were lots of themes and layers. I Spit was simple. Exploitative rape followed by over the top revenge,
Last House just seemed so real to me, it stuck with me afterwards. I Spit did not. So, to me, Last House on the Left wins, hands down.
I agree. I think both are improvements on the original films, but I'd give a serious nod in the direction of 'Last House' over 'I Spit' if I had to choose one over the other.
As was previously said, 'Last House' just had that 'real' feel to it, where 'I Spit' basically turned into Saw VIII once Jennifer started her revenge cycle.
Invader's correct, the justice scenes were horrid in "I Spit", the original of which is far better. This one was harsh but satisfying, with realistic and quick, if violent, executions.
Oh, I completely disagree! While Garrett Dillahunt's Krug was very different from Hess's, I thought Dillahunt was very memorable. I've seen him around since LHotL and he seems like a pretty talented actor. I've never seen him do a character quite like Krug; he even looked very different! I thought he was great!