Who has the most sexual encounters? (Spoilers)
Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the whole series.
Who has the most sexual encounters?
Jason is a good candidte, considering his intentional activities plus probably a dozen unwilling encounters with the were-panther women.
Sookie (autocorrect corrected that to "spookiest") has a few of her own: Bill, Eric, Alcide. That's all I can think of for her.
Tara has a few, too: Sam, Jason, Eggs, Franklin, Naomi, and Pam (?). I may be wrong about Pam. I can't remember.
Sam: Tara, that one shifter in the Maenad season, the Maenad (in flashbacks), that woman he had to shoot, that other shifter (can't remember her name), and Tara are all I can remember.
I blame autocorrect.
You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.