MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > Who has the most sexual encounters? (Spo...

Who has the most sexual encounters? (Spoilers)

Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the whole series.

Who has the most sexual encounters?

Jason is a good candidte, considering his intentional activities plus probably a dozen unwilling encounters with the were-panther women.

Sookie (autocorrect corrected that to "spookiest") has a few of her own: Bill, Eric, Alcide. That's all I can think of for her.

Tara has a few, too: Sam, Jason, Eggs, Franklin, Naomi, and Pam (?). I may be wrong about Pam. I can't remember.

Sam: Tara, that one shifter in the Maenad season, the Maenad (in flashbacks), that woman he had to shoot, that other shifter (can't remember her name), and Tara are all I can remember.

I blame autocorrect.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


Definitely Jason. His entire characterisation is just how horny he is.

Sookie had very few sexual partners, but Warlow was one of them. Also, her unnamed husband, presumably.

Tara never actually had sex with Jason.


Jason did say he'd slept with almost all the women in Bon Temps. That's a good point.

He never actually slept with Tara? I remembered it differently, but my memory is probably off.

I blame autocorrect.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


Definitely Jason. And he never did end up sleeping with Tara.


No mention of Lafayette? Wasn't he basically an escort the first season? And we are obviously not counting vampires because then we'd have to adjust for time and figure out a lover per year formula.
