MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > I found the last episode beautiful

I found the last episode beautiful

Just saying. I know there was so much hate, but I found the last 3 seasons to be so silly, and I found the finale quite touching.


Agreed. True it was light on the action and a bit slow but I feel it was a fitting end. Eric and Pam's ending was perfect and the New Blood promotion was hilarious. I would not change a thing about Sookie and Bill's last scene together, it was beautiful.


Batmanjokercatwoman: I respectfully dISAGREE!! I think the assisted suicide in the grave was gross, and sadistic of Bill. A normal woman would have been plagued with nightmares for the rest of her life. OK - I'll cut Bill same slack. His accelerated disease had caused severe depression, nihilism, and fever dreams. Under the guy( Bruckner) who took over from the show's creator, Alan Ball, the writers got lazy. There was an ending that wouldn't have spat in the face of loyal fans since 2008 , but it would have required a few more episodes and more creativity. First, how could Sookie forget about a gash in her forearm that she herself had inflicted to draw the Hep V vamps to where Bill was hiding. A gash like that is going to heal in one day?! She's not a vampire. Secondly, when Bill refuses the cure, she could easily have hot hold of a hypodermic ( any hospital, mental supply store would have them. Eric would certainly know how to get one.Probably Physicians kept some. Fill it up with Newlin's blood and either she or Jessica could have easily stuck him when he was asleep. Then figure out a way where Bill and Sookie could be together.

At the end of Season 2, Bill gives Sookie an airline ticket to Vermont ( where Vampire-Mortal ) marriage was legal. And adopt a child ---or get some sermon from a sperm bank from a Ivy League college student who resembles Bill or Sookie, has an outstanding academic record ( Bill is very intelligent, articulate and well-read and a college grad. When that really meant something. Eventually, of course, there would be the issue of Sookie aging. Maybe by then, Bill would be willing, if she was, to do it. I don't think Sookie would want to put her husband through the hell if watching her grow old, weak, sick and die. He was willing to face these issues at the end of Season 2 and I'm sure he had given it a lot of thought. And perhaps spare us the absurdity of Hoyt marrying Jessica only one day or so after he meets her.
Let that relationship grow in a more natural way. Eventually, the laws that prohibited Vampires from making Wills, buying life insurance -- even marrying would have been repealed even in Lousiana.

And spare us the Hallmark card Thanksgiving scene at the end. And her bearded husband. And the idea that the normal destiny for women was marriage, children, and nothing else. Tara should have lived and gone to Law School --even as a Vampire.


I really disliked the last episode as well with all the logic being drained from the heads of the people who cared about Bill, not being able to figure out a way to cure him. I mean what you just suggested is such a simple way to give him the cure but the writers just had to go with what THEY probably thought was some romantic ending or some BS like that.

And even as a big fan of Hoyt and Jessica, I didn't like the wedding either.
But being such a big fan of them might be WHY I didn't like the wedding. I mean I am glad (for the most part) that they got their "Happily Ever After", but I think that they got their HEA way too soon. If the writers were so intent on Hoyt and Jessica being together at the end, they should have had Hoyt come back earlier so they could show them getting to know each other again and like you said, let their relationship grow in a more natural way. Maybe show them rekindling their love and try and show that they really were "meant to be together" as Jason asserted to Brigette, instead of just having Jessica tell Hoyt the "story of us" or whatever and then boom, straight to the wedding. I wouldn't have even had them get married at the end of the series, I would have just had them be together and moving towards whatever they might want in the future.

Also, I too hate the ending scene(s) with the Thanksgiving crap. I agree with someone on here, who I can't remember, who said they should have had the shot of Sookie walking away from the cemetery be the final shot of the series.

I also forget the reasoning behind it but I think it was something like, it was an expression of how Sookie was finally finished with that part of her life and she was defiantly moving on.

No more games. No more chessboard of life. Now I think I'm just going to beat the $%#@ out of you!!!


Right, so she defiantly" moved on " ,ascBuckner claimed, and married some human male settling down to a normal southern girl life with babies etc. And....the vampire bait that she was? Where was the line of vampires ,that Bill kept harping on and on about,the reason he wanted her to kill him with her faerie light? All gone. What about the whole reason she took up with a vampire to begin with? Reading human minds anyone? Nope, all gone.

Sookie didn't so much " move on" as Buckner wanted us to believe ,she sunk into a deep morass of stupidity and self destruction. The world around her hasd not changed. In fact, it' got worse,with vampires on the loose with no leadership hierarchy or enforcement arm like tge AVL. With the example of how humans could and would turn on supernaturals, I can just imagine vampires and other supernaturals banding together and uniting,in secret, to mount a defensive and possible offensive,against humans. Let's not forget the highly dangerous supes like Maenads and Gods like Marianne and Lilith,if you believe in their godhead to begin with or just see them as having God- like powers. Lots of danger surrounds Sookie and her wouldvbe children( at least one more than likely would be faerie like Sookie) Her protection? Her human husband and human friends? The assorted young vampires ( which equals not very strong and ignorant about older vampires and supernaturals) that she or her friends had taken up with? Very Doubtful. Are we supposed to believe Eric will be watching over her and her family forever,hanging out in Shreveport at Fangtasia with Pam just waiting for an opportunity to rescue Sookie from herself? Nope.

We were just supposed to believe in this fairytale happy ending Buckner cooked up and not ask any rational reasonable questions. Like, why Bill went ahead with his suicide when he knew Sookie was not going to use her light to kill him and get rid of the faerie in her? If we were to believe that she was his " miracle" and his sole reason for killing himself was for her sake , then he would have jumped out of that grave and vowed to stay way from her so she could move on but become her silent nighttime Gaurdian Angel ,ever vigilant but unseen , keeping her and her family safe from other vampires and supes that meant her harm. He could also have helped organize the vampire world into a safer and better version of the Authority,if ,that is,we were to believe that his intentions ,all ,along were indeed as Buckner claimed they were noble, self sacrificial and benificent instead of the self centered,decietful and power hungry Bill we were shown under AB's tenure. So why make him selfish to the end? Why not show him as this new whitewashed reformed Bill that Bill claimed t he was? The ending was not only Hallmark Happy Ever After ,unfit for a Vampire show , but it was a hot mess of illogical nonsense that was a product of untalented lazy writing .


Did you get my point though? Her "defiantly moving on" as the final shot would mean that the rest of her life choices were unknown and up in the air and so the overall story going forward would also be unknown, and that flash forward thanksgiving crap wouldn't have happened.

No more games. No more chessboard of life. Now I think I'm just going to beat the $%#@ out of you!!!


Yes, I got your point about that being the last scene. However, as shot and placed by Buckner, he did mean for it to be taken as Sookie" defiantly moving on" and his version of moving on was as shown was as I reiterated. It it had ended with Sookie walking away from Bill's grave covered in his remains , with nothing following to show the " moving on " part,I ,for one, would have seen it as a very depressing ending. Since my assumption would have been that Sookie would be scarred for life after participating in staking Bill,the supposed love of her life, and being drenched from head to toe in his remains, How does one get that image out if one's brain?They also would have had lots of dangling loose ends. Namely Eric and Pam as well as the rest of the characters.

As it was, I found it impossible to believe that Sookie would just settle down to a normal small town southern woman's life after all she had been through. Surely ,she would have grown beyond those childish and naive desires for a " normal life" that were the stuff of girlish imaginings not the reality of a grown woman which she supposedly became over the course of the show.IMO Her first instincts were the right ones when she splapped Bill and accused him, correctly, of being incredibly selfish. If this show had remained true to itself and it's heroine she would have remained firm and refused to help Bill kill himself. He could and should have killed himself by exposing himself to the sun alone and unaided, a victim of the psychological damages of HepV. Then Sookie could have moved on by shaking off the small town of Bon Temps and all of the petty minded people who, you just know, are waiting to blame Sookie again as soon as misfortune befalls them because she is " different".

Before leaving , she could have made peace with Niall and he could have accompanied her as her Gaurdian if they didn't want Eric to be in her her HEA l We could have gotten a brief look at her friends, as she said goodbye, to see what they were doing. No marriage between Jessica and Holyt would have left Jessica free to pursue an education and a professional career. Arlene could have become mayor of Bon Temp and be minus some necessary man in her life. Her brief affair with a vampire having broadened her horizons and tolerances. LaLa could have set himself up with a business as a medium with his vampire lover, and Jason doesn't marry a scientist but rather is shown as Andy's deputy patrolling the town with Andy vigilantly looking for any supes who maybe hostile and humans who may be hostile towards peaceful ones. And Eric? She could have said a bitter sweet and heartfelt goodbye to him that left the door open to a possible future between them down the road.


when Bill refuses the cure, she could easily have hot hold of a hypodermic ( any hospital, mental supply store would have them. Eric would certainly know how to get one.Probably Physicians kept some. Fill it up with Newlin's blood and either she or Jessica could have easily stuck him when he was asleep. Then figure out a way where Bill and Sookie could be together.

I just finished watching the last episode and couldn't agree more, and with pretty much with everything you said. And I was expecting one of them (Sookie, Eric, or Jessica) to do exactly that, inject Bill with the cure without his knowledge), especially after Sookie heard his thoughts and knew for sure that he loved her, up to Bill's death. Or to the least to convince him after that not to let himself die. I also absolutely hated the Hallmark ending, with Sookie pregnant and the stupid anonymous husband. Why would the author assume that having children is automatically more important for a woman than to be with the man you love, my ex-husband's aunt married the man she loved, even though he had told her he couldn't have children because of an illness he had as a child that made him sterile, and even though she would have loved to have children. And they were together until the day he died, and after that she never remarried or even dated another man. I am VERY deceived with the ending.


The last episode was horrible. I want my time back.

TWD- The worst season finale ever. Never mind- Sleepy Hollow was worse.

reply one cared for the ending in the book either...not sure what would have pleased everyone..most wanted Sookie to end up with not included...but the author said she knew the ending when she first started writing the series..and believe me, she was toasted with the most horrible emails,posts,and whatevers...I mean true hate, that she did not give the ending of Sookie and Eric...and that she was coerced into her ending by Alan Ball...see, I told you, crazy.

reply one cared for the ending in the book either...not sure what would have pleased everyone..most wanted Sookie to end up with not included

I wanted her to end up with Bill, but even Eric would have been better than the terrible ending and last episode in general.


The last episode was rushed, cheap and nasty, so much so, the show I loved, I will NEVER watch again!



The finale was perfect in my opinion.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys."
