Anyone else?..

Tired of the gay sex crap being shoved down our throats with the show?? I respect that there's to each's own and if someone wants to be gay that's their choice...but I don't want to see straight men or women pretending to be gay having sex on screen, it grosses me out. Watching 2 guys is gross to as it is. ( And that's my opinion and I am entitled to it just as much as gays are entitled to be gays)...and I don't think it's fair the show wishes to force their Pro Gay agenda into my eyes...
I'm sure all the whiny, bleeding-heart, liberals will cry and complain about my opinion, too bad I don't care....


You're right. It's you're opinion and I won't hassle you about it. But I will say that unless someone is holding a gun to your head, no one is forcing anything into your eyes. You always have the option fast forwarding through the scenes you don't like or not watching the program all together.

You don't like seeing gay sex, that's fine. That's how you feel (And gay sex doesn't really do anything for me either). But don't you think you should take some responsibility for what you choose to put on your television? People aren't going to stop writing same sex couples just because you don't like it and they shouldn't have to.


"Why does everyone keep making me go into my living room, turn on heavily publicized sexxxy shows, watch all the sex scenes, rewind them to watch again but this time in slow motion so I can thoroughly detail my offense at the gay agenda?!?!? IT'S A KONSPIRECY AND I'LL BET THE INTERNET CARES ABOUT MY OPINION!!!!!"


...and you are an idiot....learn how to spell words that are more than four letters in length...


I understand you think it's gross, but the problem with saying that you don't enjoy seeing it is that you infer gay people should keep it to themselves despite the fact you, as a straight person, can openly display your sexuality without repercussions. If you truly don't care, as you claim, then it shouldn't be such a problem for you. You'd say it's not your cup of tea and ignore it. Like everyone else who doesn't insist on letting everyone know they think two men or women kissing is icky. You're the one making it your problem, not the people just living their lives that have nothing to do with you. No one cares that you're straight nor do they care if you think their sexual orientation is nasty. And for normal people it's not a problem. It's called minding your own business.
