Kristin Bauer Van Straten Told Me...
That HBO is very interested in doing an Eric / Pam spinoff.
I keep seeing her at conventions and feel like we're stalking each other, but we started talking a couple weeks ago. I told her I miss True Blood and she was just like "mmm... a lot of people do." She cracks me up, FYI. And I jokingly said to her "how do we get it back? I need more!" And she told me that HBO is in talks of bringing it back and doing an Eric / Pam spinoff. I asked her if she'd do it and she said absolutely. I thought to myself that Alexander probably wouldn't, but after a couple bombs at the box office and some time away, he might.
After asking how fans could help make this happen, Kristin told me to tweet to HBO and tell them we want it and we want more True Blood.
I know a lot of people hated True Blood towards the end, but I never got to that point. Yes, I acknowledge that things were stupid and a hot mess, but it was always an interesting hot mess. I never had plans to stop watching it. The show has a very special place in my heart. My boyfriend and I binge watched season one, watched season two live, and were so excited to watch season three when he randomly passed away at the age of 29. He was the first and only person I've ever truly loved. So when I think of the show, I can't help but think of him.
If True Blood never comes back, I'll be fine. But it'd be cool if it did return in some capacity. I'm up for some more mindless fun. And it's been years since it ended. Maybe someone at HBO has some genuinely good ideas about how to resurrect it. And with Game of Thrones ending soon, HBO needs some must watch entertainment back on their network. Would anyone else watch this?