MovieChat Forums > True Blood (2008) Discussion > Half way through first season...

Half way through first season...

Okay. I've never watched the show and decided I'd give it a whirl on Amazon Prime. Started watching yesterday and got hooked pretty quickly, but I'm only on about episode 7, I think, and I'm already getting kind of bored.

Is it me, or is the acting kind of bad? Bill Compton's accent is all over the place. Sometimes he sounds like a robot. Sometimes he sounds like a redneck hillbilly. It's irritating. Maybe it's because I live in the south and I can pick up on forced/inconsistent southern accents.

Sookie kind of gets on my nerves too. And Sam annoys the snot out of me.

Lafayette is my favorite right now.

I'd like to beat the hell out of Jason.

Anyway...does it get any better? Right now it seems like the R-rated version of a less sparkly Twilight.


"I'd like to beat the hell out of Jason."

Good. In the 4th season. You'll want to put his body in a dumpster and set it on fire after what he does to Hoyt.


On the contrary, I've just finished the 4th season and I like Jason a lot more now. He's one of the better characters, IMO, though that's not saying much.

This series though...yikes. I have binged seasons 1-4 and I'm just not sure I'll even watch 5-7. The writing is SO bad, and the characters are just not holding my interest. 4 seasons in and I couldn't care less which characters live or die. The only mild exception WAS Eric for a while, but even that has changed now. I loved before he had amnesia and when he had amnesia, but post-amnesia Eric is boring as hell. He's pretty much a taller Bill. *yawn*

Sookie has to be one of the most irritating heroines of any TV show or movie I've ever watched. I don't know if it's the actress, the writing, the character, or a combination of all of the above, but it's hard to stay invested in a show when you despise the main character.

Oh well. I gave it a shot. Maybe I'll watch some more if I get bored. Doubt it though.


After awhile, the acting becomes so bad that it starts being good again. And if you wait a couple season, you can see the writing get so terrible that it starts being hilarious too.

If you're looking for a show that is strong on acting, writing, believable accents, or characters you don't want to get eaten by monsters, True Blood probably isn't your cup of tea and you might want to stop now. If you're big on laughing at campy shows with excessive sexxxy vampire nudity and some of the worst lines ever spoken on a television show in the history of television, continue on.


LOL. I love this answer.
I've just started season 3 (getting ready to watch episode 3). But yeah, damn the acting is just horrible at times, and the writing too. Sookie seems to get worse and worse, and Bill is still ridiculous.

If it weren't for Skarsgard, I'd have stopped watching by now.


Yeah, the acting is pretty bad, but after awhile you get used to it. Kind of like watching a soap opera for a long start to not notice the bad acting as much... and then when someone is a REALLY bad actor, they stand out even more. lol Denis O'Hare put everyone to shame in Season 3. To be fair though, True Blood was always purposefully campy.


Anna Paquin's acting is really bad. It's almost hard for me to believe that she got this part and I think it has be be because she's an Oscar winner (nevermind she won it when she was a child).


Paquin was very pushy and aggressive going after the role and I don't think Ball ever really wanted her (and not that I care but Charlaine Harris never liked her much in the role either..she made lots of snide passive aggressive remarks about her performance over the years) but HBO suits were all about snagging an Oscar winner for the role. Frankly I always felt that Anna Camp was better suited for Sookie.


Well, I watched all the way through Season 6. Season 7 isn't free on Amazon Prime, and I'm not interested enough to pay for it, so that's where I stopped.

I enjoyed Eric. That's about it.


If you find yourself curious about how the show ends, you could check your library. My library has the whole series on DVD.

I liked the show better than you did, but I also had mixed feelings about it.
It's chaotic and inconsistent and unnecessarily over-the-top -- and the kind of thing I would only watch once.

__ __

Hate leads to anger.
Anger leads to the Dark Side.
This is a Haiku.


I have just started watching it again from the start and live how the characters develop. Id def stick with it It's so good
My fave characters are eric , Pam and Jessica. Jason makes me laugh

I was waiting for my hearse what came next was so much worse
