This is scary. There is a person out there who thinks that the most attractive men on the show were Hoyt!!!!! And grayling, mature ( somewhat attractive) Sam Merlotte. This blows my theory of a pre-teen out of the water. This is just plain weird. The most attractive were Bill, Eric, Keith ( Isn't that the 515 year-old gentlemanly yet hotter than Lettie-Mae's skillet who for some reason is smitten by - Arlene! ) maybe James. As for the women, someone thinks that short, chubby Hadley is one of the most beautiful women and prettier than Sookie? Hadley is cute at best but what the ....? Nora is gorgeous and very young in appearance, Queen Sophie-Anne is very
very attractive, Sookie in the first few seasons is pretty, Lorena is elegant, good taste in clothes but she is just too evil to see the beauty, Daphne the waitress is attractive, especially from a man or lesbian's POV, I suppose, Salome is good-looking, and of course, Jessica.
Jessica May not be conventionally beautiful, but guys go for her.,5'10"!with a banging body, not modelesque. A contender for " most evil" in another posting I gave Lorena that title, but I forgot about Jason's psychopathic Vampire girlfriend who he meets in vamp camp, Violet.. Certainly not beautiful. And someone actually put Warlow on the list? He's so totally average.
Sarah Newlin is not on the list - something about her teeth - an overbite. Pam, in her own way , is striking. You see this in her last scene when she's cut her hair and wearing a fantastic red dress, a corporate billionaire with Eric. In person, without all the vampiric makeup, she's really very pretty. And, if, as one writer suggests, there is more male eye candy on True Blood because Alan Ball is gay ( her opinion), then it's about time.