Eye candy

This is the only show that I can think of that has eye candy for both men and women. Usually there are a bunch of beautiful women and okay looking men in TV. Trueblood has lots of man candy like for example: Sam, Jason, early seasons of Bill and of course Eric.


Don't forget Alcide. He may have been a great baboon but some fans just enjoyed looking at him. ( not me, I'm Eric all the way) then in later seasons we got Jesus,Warlow,James and Kieth.TB was big on eye candy. I miss it.๐Ÿ˜”


A friend of mine called Alcide a cheeto colored toucan.
(he does have quite the beak on him)
It was all about Eric for me too.



Ehehe๐Ÿ˜€ Loved that one. Thanks. Hehehe๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Jason, Alcide, Eggs, Eric, Sam, and Warlow.


Terry was very handsome, too. And Hoyt, especially in season 7.


Eric, Sam, Terry, Hoyt, Godric all so nice to look at.
Jessica, Sarah Newlin, Hadley, Sophie-Ann and Nora were stunningly beautiful.


I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't think Eric is attractive.


Where exactly was the eye candy for men? Sookie is average looking though attractive. Tara as well. Arlene looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. Sophie-Ann was decent but certainly not beautiful. Nan was pretty in her younger days on soaps but on this show she showed her age. IMO the only hotties were Jessica(although I wouldn't call her drop dead gorgeous) and Sara(I'm real big on Anna Camp so I'm somewhat biased here). I do have a soft spot for Daphne and hated that she was only on a short time. In fact, the only real classic beautiful woman on the entire show was Lorena but there weren't nearly as much eye candy for (straight) men as there was for women. Perhaps Ball being gay had something to do with this.


It's true that " beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but the women such as Pam,Jessica,Queen Sophie Ann,Lorena,Sookie,Nora, Salome Sarah,Hadly,and .tara were all supposed to be " eye candy" for men or lesbians. The fact that some may not find them to their tastes is always going to happen but the intention was that most of the characters were selected because of their " eye candy" appeal.


This is scary. There is a person out there who thinks that the most attractive men on the show were Hoyt!!!!! And grayling, mature ( somewhat attractive) Sam Merlotte. This blows my theory of a pre-teen out of the water. This is just plain weird. The most attractive were Bill, Eric, Keith ( Isn't that the 515 year-old gentlemanly yet hotter than Lettie-Mae's skillet who for some reason is smitten by - Arlene! ) maybe James. As for the women, someone thinks that short, chubby Hadley is one of the most beautiful women and prettier than Sookie? Hadley is cute at best but what the ....? Nora is gorgeous and very young in appearance, Queen Sophie-Anne is very
very attractive, Sookie in the first few seasons is pretty, Lorena is elegant, good taste in clothes but she is just too evil to see the beauty, Daphne the waitress is attractive, especially from a man or lesbian's POV, I suppose, Salome is good-looking, and of course, Jessica.
Jessica May not be conventionally beautiful, but guys go for her.,5'10"!with a banging body, not modelesque. A contender for " most evil" in another posting I gave Lorena that title, but I forgot about Jason's psychopathic Vampire girlfriend who he meets in vamp camp, Violet.. Certainly not beautiful. And someone actually put Warlow on the list? He's so totally average.
Sarah Newlin is not on the list - something about her teeth - an overbite. Pam, in her own way , is striking. You see this in her last scene when she's cut her hair and wearing a fantastic red dress, a corporate billionaire with Eric. In person, without all the vampiric makeup, she's really very pretty. And, if, as one writer suggests, there is more male eye candy on True Blood because Alan Ball is gay ( her opinion), then it's about time.


Yes, True Blood is more for women and gay men in terms of eye candy.

I can think of a few other female characters, but they were secondary or tertiary characters like Adilyn and the faeries, etc.


Hoyt-eye candy? Whoever wrote that post must be pre-teen, retarded, or needs glasses.-fast, No mention of Bill. So Hoyt and the little Godric ( played by a Swedish teenager ). The writer must be around 12 or 13. Otherwise, it's a sad business.


Omg! How could I forget Hoyt!!? Sam was definitely a cutie, the more grey he had in hair hair the better. Damn, I miss TB. ?


That friend sounds smart.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


True enough. Jesus, Hoyt, Eric, Alcide, and Sam were all my "eye candy" picks at one point or another.

I think Anna Paquin is really attractive too, but I like her 10x more as a brunette.



Scott Foley's character (forgot his name)




Arlene - one of the 4 most beautiful women on TB? Are you kidding! Yes, toward the end she gets a better dye job and looks better but she is not, by any stretch of the imagination , one of the 4 most beautiful! What about Queen Sophe-Anne or even Lorena? Or Nora who I think is very pretty. Even the waitress/shifter Daphne. Well, it's bizarre but I guess if Keith -one of the hottest guys on TB - can fall for Arlene....


Jessica, Nora and Willa.

Looking over the thread not one person mentioned Willa yet.
Huh? She's gorgeous!

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


The hottest woman on the show was Alcide's werewolf girlfriend - not Debbie (who also had a smokin' body) but the one after her - I don't remember her name but do remember that she was frequently naked.

Sookie was hot but in an unconventional way (and more so in the first few seasons before she got too thin).
Lorena was gorgeous
Sophie Anne
Pam (for an older broad)
Jessica sometimes

Us guys had some nice women to look at.....but clearly this show favored the male nudity


I think her name was Rikki or something

But I would say

Sophie Anne

No more games. No more chessboard of life. Now I think I'm just going to beat the $%#@ out of you!!!


That's it - Rikki!

Nora and Willa never did anything for me - cute, but not in a sexy way. Maybe too young-looking.

I forgot about Sarah Newlin. She ain't bad.....


Totally missing the eye candy. Eric was the bomb.com

TWD - The worst season finale ever.๎‚†


I agree and disagree. Eric was hot -,no one can deny that. But Bill in the first 4 Seasons was exceptionally handsome - especially when, in Season 3 he finally got a flattering haircut and even more so in Season 4. All the reviews of TB I've read from the First Season refer to Bill as a "very handsome drifter", "smoldering" Stephen Moyer was a very good-looking man with the chiseled features, sensitive mouth,
unusually shaped blue eyes and dark hair. I can understand Lorena's obsession with him. Eric and Bill are very different types and by far the best-looking men on TB. ( with the possible exception of the 500 year old Keith who, bizarrely, falls for Arlene! )

I don't understand why people think Alcide was so handsome? Maybe they like that wolffish look. I don't think he's good-looking at all.
Jason is cute, boyish but not handsome. Warlow is completely unattractive. And gore those who are attracted to Hoyt --- either they're pre-teens or have a serious problem. Jesus and James aren't bad at all - I can see the attraction. But Alcide, Warlow and Hoyt??!!
Don't get it. Sam isn't bad but far from handsome.


well as far as eye candy goes Alcide blows all other men out of the water. they can not compete with his sexy manliness and perfect body yum.
but season one Bill was ok and eric i never got but i guess he was ok.
sam -no, jason -no, hoyt - no.

and for the girls well i'm biased to sookie cuz i'm her taller doppelganger so i like her, amy (jason's season one gf) was total eye candy, daphne too, luna was hot, pam is a vampire barbie and jessica is cute and strangely beautiful.

#cloneclub /i am the topic closer, the real topic closer//if you post after me a faerie gets cookies


I don't understand this attraction to Alcide. Maybe I just don't consider a man with a large, acqiline nose, and wolffish facial hair handsome. I prefer the regular, Northern European looks of Eric ( Sweden ) and Bill ( England ). Alcide is a likable character but he doesn't compare with Eric, Bill ( or Keith ) in the looks dept.


Eye candy indeed! Sam was my favorite, for sure.


Lorena and Portia bellefleur were my favorite. Sophie-Ann and Nora were pretty too. Sarah Newlin also but her character was just dumb lol.

Im a guy so I wont talk about men looks but Bill seemed charming

I think Sookie was miscasted.

Ugliest and most annoying for me was Jessica.


I cant beleive noone has mentioned Lafayette - hes gorgeous!

No power in the verse can stop me
