I agree.
Ok, RPJ is less obviously robust looking, but he looked healthy and reasonably strong. I could imagine him working wonders with a quadrant and maps, and he'd keep reasonably calm in battle. You could rely on him through a storm. I could see him as a naval officer in the style of a Hornblower movie, for example, which is more about a battle of wits and applying the rulebook than battling pirates and smugglers, more CH version's department it would seem. And yes, it was more believable that Wentworth had other interests, books, music etc.
As for his supposed coldness, Anne remembers this confident, happy young chap, with an open mind and temper, but he is obviously more reserved now as an older and more mature person. He no longer clicks with a younger girl like Louisa - the scene at the Cobb shows how dangerous a relationship like that would be. He is also, as he freely admits later, angry and resentful with Anne, so tries to ignore her. He can't hide his actual kind and proactive nature though, such as when he arranges a ride for her etc. He is still thinking about her.
Sally Hawkins is theoretically good casting, but she does make her Anne a little gaspy and the costume departments perhaps don't quite succeed.