MovieChat Forums > The Town (2010) Discussion > Claire Keesey turned to be far worse tha...

Claire Keesey turned to be far worse than Krista Coughlin, or the rest.

Here's why:

Unlike Claire Keesey, Krista Coughlin (Jem's drugged-addicted, drunken sister) had grown up and lived under the shadow(s) of Doug MacRay (Krista's ex-boyfriend, who only exploited her for casual sexual relations.) and Jem, both of who, like many other men in town, exploited and abused her for their own purposes. Her young daughter, Shyne, who was caught up in her mother's sordid lifestyle of drugs/alcohol addiction, muling for Fergie, and prostitution, was innocent, and one of the few individuals to be sympathized with in this film. One may not like or approve of Krista's sordid lifestyle, but Krista, was merely playing the cards that were dealt to her, and going by what she'd always known.

Claire Keesey, on the other hand, was a neatly dressed, educated and relatively attractive-looking woman, with a job that more than likely earned her a decent salary; as a bank manager. The fact that her bank was robbed wasn't her fault, but the fact that she made the lousiest choices after her bank was robbed (i. e. accepting a date with a stranger she'd met in some laundromat, who, indeed, did turn out to be the de-facto leader of the masked, thuggish gunmen who'd indeed robbed her bank, refusing to sever any contact(s) with Doug MacRay even after Claire learned who he really and truly was, accepting an expensive Tiffany necklace from Doug, which he undoubtedly purchased for Claire with dirty, blood-stained money, lying to the Feds about what she'd seen in the bank during the robbery--Jem's fighting Irish tattoo, and, more to the point, being really evasive and nasty towards FBI Agt. Frawley after he'd found out about her relationship with Doug, and, more to the point, in the end, helped Doug get away and become a fugitive by pretending to work with FBI Agt. Frawley and the Feds by having them over to her house on the pretense that Doug would come over, and then giving Doug the "sunny days" tip-off right when he was about to be nabbed by the Feds.) indicates that Claire knew exactly what she was doing the whole time after her bank was robbed, which was inexcusable and unacceptable.

Claire, imho, was not the confused, upset and addled person that she appeared to be, as her subversion of the law by pretending to work with the cops, thus helping to enable Doug to become a fugitive from justice before the law indicated. Claire is a willfully ignorant, sleazy, slimy, underhanded little bitch who really shouldn't have gotten away with what she did.. at all. Imho, she deserved to get into trouble just as much as Doug MacRay deserved to go to jail--a lot. Had her lawyer not been so corrupt, he would've pointed out to her that what she did was completely wrong, and in violation of the law, and that helping to enable a known criminal who'd committed a whole string of violent crimes (i. e. grand theft, aggravated assault, and murder) escape justice before the law and become a fugitive could result in her being criminally prosecuted, or at least put on a long probation, for helping enable Doug to escape, and for receiving stolen goods (i. e. Doug's bloodstained stolen loot money, which, btw, Claire had absolutely no business whatsoever spending on the renovation of the C-Town ice hockey rink.).

Another really disgusting aspect of Claire's actions and behaviors is the fact that, unlike Krista, she's educated, she'd been making a decent salary at her job, she owned or rented an expensive Charlestown condominium, and she's clearly a person who knew better, but chose to do what she did, anyway.

Doug MacRay, on the one hand, deserves to go to prison. Claire, on the other hand, deserves to be criminally prosecuted herself, or at least put on some sort of probation, which, if she violated in any way, whether it be by making any kind of contact with Doug and/or accepting any more gifts from him, would get her criminally prosecuted. That's where Claire should've ended up. She knew she was risking her whole future by circumventing and subverting the law, and I'd like to believe that she'd someday pay for it by having her future ruined in some way or other.


Never liked the claire character, had a lot of sympathy for Krista and Shyne


Never liked the claire character, had a lot of sympathy for Krista and Shyne

I totally agree with you, sugarangelbaby.

Even though I didn't like Krista's sordid lifestyle, I couldn't help feeling kind of sorry for her. I felt especially sorry for Shyne, however, because she was an innocent toddler caught up in the middle of all this, with no control over what was happening.

Here's another thing about Claire: Doug was clearly exploiting Claire as a bargaining chip in order to avoid being brought to trial, charged with, and imprisoned for a long, hard term for his crimes, in a Federal penitentiary for his crimes, and possibly life for having gunned down Fergie and Rusty, as well. Moreover, Claire not only allowed herself to be exploited by Doug MacRay, but she refused to acknowledge her accountability regarding the outcome(s), which was equally disgusting.


What Claire did by covering up and lying for Doug is more like what Krista WOULD have done. Next to Doug, Claire was the dumbest, most unrealistic character in the movie.


Again, you're absolutely spot-on, TwanBeez. Krista was merely playing the cards that had been dealt to her from day one.

Doug was a sly, cunning individual, who exploited people for his own selfish ends, which was obvious from the beginning of the movie, yet he lacked any kind of education. He exploited Krista for casual, uncaring sex, and he also exploited Claire as a bargaining chip to avoid another prison sentence, which, Claire, unfortunately, was only too willing to help Doug do.

Claire, on the other hand, was not only unrealistic, but she was willfully ignorant, as well, as the fact that she merely pretended to work with the Feds to help catch Doug indicates. The fact that Claire lied and covered up for Doug at every turn was rather sickening.

Being spurned by Doug, however, plus being threatened with the loss of her young daughter, Shyne, angered and frightened Krista enough so that she ratted him and his men out to the Feds, by telling them the whereabouts of their next upcoming heist (i. e., the Fenway Park heist.).

It's agreed that Krista would have lied and covered up for Doug.


Completely off but you feel that you're soooo right!


Completely off but you feel that you're soooo right!

To each their own, but I stand by what I've said here!


You've made a good point, TwanBeez. The only reason that Krista didn't get a chance to lie for Doug and cover Doug's ass, however is because Doug dropped Krista like a hot potato, in favor of Claire.


Touche' on all points.

Claire is merely the next example of the post-modern "liberated" fem-slut archetype that the Hollyweird Division of The Frankfurt School has been pushing since the early 1960s, maybe longer. i.e. follow your atavistic vagina tingles wherever they may lead, then rationalize the hell out of it as you go... :rolleyes:


A first-class A-hole is what Claire really is...and an even bigger one than Krista Coughlin, who, unlike Cl;are Keesey, was merely playing the sorry cards that were dealt to her.


Relatively attractive? OK,Brad Pitt, whatever you say.

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"accepting an expensive Tiffany necklace from Doug, which he undoubtedly purchased for Claire with dirty, blood-stained money" And how exactly could she know where the money for the necklace came from? Did you even watch the movie?

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I did watch the movie. At one point, when Doug was in Claire's apartment presenting her the necklace he'd purchased for her as a gift, she admitted "I know who you are, Doug." This, imho, is damaging evidence that, at some level, that Claire was already hip on who he was, and refused to face that.


No, she didn't knew who he was cause she didn't read minds and you are being delusional. There, problem solved.

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I disagree, lukas1985. In the first place, Claire was rather naive and stupid to have been so trusting of a perfect stranger just days after being traumatized by her bank being robbed at gunpoint, her being kidnapped, and witnessing the near-fatal beating of her assistant manager.

Secondly, the fact that Doug kept grilling her and telling her about his so-called knowledge of the criminal justice system and how it worked, while Doug and Claire were having dinner in the Dunkin' Donuts place. should've provided a clue to Claire as to who Doug really and truly was.

Thirdly, Claire was willfully ignorant not to bail on Doug and get some help from FBI Agt. Frawley when she learned, courtesy of him, who Doug MacRay really was and what he was up to.


So? It's her life and she can be naive and thrusting of strangers as she wants to be, that doesn't make her a bad person. Unlike Krista who didn't had to take care of only herself but had a small child. And give me a break with all the she had a tough childhood blah blah bull... If you can't take care of yourself and you are a drunk and a drug addict do not breed!!! It is pretty simple,
So that fact that you are saying that the person who's only crime was falling in love with a complete stranger (don't we all fall in love with strangers?) and a criminal (before she even knew he was a criminal) is worse than that pathetic mumbling whitetrash who never heard of contraception is beyond ridicilous.

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Here's the rub, lukas1985: Claire allowed herself to be totally taken in and taken advantage of by a total stranger; Doug MacRay, who, along with his accomplices/buddies in crime, had, only days before he and Claire had met "by chance" (Doug had been following Claire and watching her from a distance prior to that.), knocked over her bank, blindfolded and kidnapped her, after administering a near-fatal beating to Claire's assistant manager. Moreover, Doug MacRay lied his way into Claire's heart, coming off as an ordinary, law-abiding, upstanding citizen when, in fact, he was a violent criminal with a record at least a mile or so long. As I pointed out on another post, Claire is somebody who really should've known better, but, instead, opted to keep in contact with Doug even after learning who Doug really was and what he was up to, courtesy of FBI Agt. Frawley. Moreover, Doug MacRay ended up gunning down Rusty and Fergie (not that they weren't scumbags, because they were!), even after having told Claire that he'd never killed anybody.


How was she taken advantage of? She fall in love with a stranger, that's what human beings are doing since the beginning of our species. She didn't allowed herself anything. You can't allowed yourself who you are gonna fall for.
While on the other hand Krista did allowed herself to be a drug addict/alcoholic and to get pregnant even though she couldn't even take care for herself. Those are the things you can control.

So how exactly is Claire "far worse" than Krista as you put it in your title?

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First of all, especially since Claire is educated, and who has a respectable job, really should've known better, which is why she's far worse than Krista Coughlin, who's uneducated, unskilled, and simply playing the cards that were dealt to her at a very early age..

Secondly, when people fall in love in real life, they generally get to know each other first, even though they may start out as strangers.

There are things that Claire could've/should've controlled, as well: While the fact that Doug MacRay and his band of gangsters knocked over Claire's bank at gunpoint, blindfolded and kidnapped her and let her off at Day Boulevard wasn't Claire's fault, the fact that Claire refused to sever all contact with Doug and remained in a relationship with him even after she'd learned who Doug really was and what he was up to, and covered his ass whenever she could were things that Claire was at fault for, had control over.

Claire could've/should've bailed on Doug immediately, sought help and concealing from FBI Agt. Frawley, and, with Frawley's help, anonymously turned Doug's blood-stained loot money over to the proper authorities. The fact that she did none of those things speaks volumes for Claire, and not positively, either.

Thirdly, Claire was rather naive (or willfully ignorant) to place her trust in a total stranger just days after being traumatized by Doug and his men. Doug was disgusting to have lied his way into Claire's heart and to have led her into believing that he was a normal, law-abiding, upstanding citizen, when, in fact he wasn't, and Claire should've been able to figure out who he was after his grilling her at the Dunkin'Donuts shop. That's my take on it.

I'll also add that, unlike most people who saw The Town,, I sympathized with FBI Agt. Frawley and the other law enforcement people in this film, not Doug and his accomplices/buddies in crime, and not Claire (who I lost all sympathy for, due to the stupid things that she did after Doug and his men knocked over her bank and kidnapped her at gunpoint.).


"Secondly, when people fall in love in real life, they generally get to know each other first"
Yeah, pretty sure that was what she was doing. They were going on dates. You must have missed that part.

"remained in a relationship with him even after she'd learned who Doug really was and what he was up to2
Yeah except that never happened, you must have dreamed that part.

"Krista Coughlin, who's uneducated, unskilled, and simply playing the cards that were dealt to her at a very early age.."
And how exactly do you know what kind of upbringing did Claire had, was she born into a poor family, was her mother an alcoholic, did her dad abused her...?

" I sympathized with FBI Agt. Frawley and the other law enforcement people in this film, not Doug and his accomplices/buddies in crime, and not Claire"
Yeah, but you also sympathized with a drug addict that decided to bring child into this world, so your sympathies don't mean much, do they?

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Krista was a mess, and, while the fact that she became a drug addict is disgustingly pitiful, she was also exploited not only by Fergie, but by Doug for casual sex, and abused by her brother, Jem, as well.

I really wanted Doug MacRay, Jem Coughlin and their other two gangster/criminals to be tried, hopefully charged with, and, hopefully imprisoned in a Federal penitentiary for their crimes for a really long time, if not for life, especially Doug and Jem, both of who killed people.

Thirdly, I really wanted Claire to either be criminally prosecuted herself for having covered Doug's ass, affectively obstructed justice, not only by receiving stolen goods (Doug's bloodstained loot money.), but by merely pretending to work with FBI Agt. Frawley and the other law enforcement people to help catch Doug, have him brought to trial, charged with, and hopefully getting jailed for his crimes. Claire deliberately and knowingly made a fool out of FBI Agt. Frawley by warning Doug away from her Charlestown condo at the last possible moment with a "sunny days" tipi-off for Doug, enabling him to escape justice. Frankly, I would've liked to see Claire at least being put on some sort of probation with a suspended sentence, with no right of appeal if she violated the probation by being in contact with Doug in any way or form.


... and you are being delusional ...
Yes, you are spot on with your psychological profile. Therapy is required.🐭


Yes, you are spot on with your psychological profile. Therapy is required.🐭

Okay, spookyrat1! What's with your insults to me? Hammy? So what if I do have a different opinion than you and most people on this board have? Claire, imho, was a willfully ignorant, pretentious little bitch, who I didn't sympathize with one bit. The fact that Doug MacRay and his men knocked over her bank at gunpoint, butt-rifled and nearly killed her assistant manager, blindfolded and took Claire as a hostage wasn't her fault, but her actions and behavior after all that are condemnable, imho. My sympathy for Claire went straight out the window after that.

Krista Coughlin was just playing the sorry cards that had been dealt to her in life. Claire, on the other hand, really should've known better.

The fact that Claire acted in such a nasty way towards FBI Agt. Frawley, who was trying to help her out, and refused to sever all contacts with Doug even after learning who Doug MacRay really was and what he was up to was totally disgusting. So was the fact that Claire thought she could violate the law with impunity and make total dupes out of FBI Agt. Frawley and his men, who were merely doing their job...working to bring a bunch of violent criminals to trial and prison, where they belonged.,,,by merely pretending to work with FBI Agt. Frawley and his men to help catch Doug.

I personally do not like the message that The Town conveys to me, personally; that it's perfectly okay to obstruct justice just because one loves someone, and to not take any responsibility for the consequences. Having said all of the above, I think that FBI Agt. Frawley and his men were way nicer to and easier on Claire than she deserved.


This was not even clever.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


This was not even clever.

Neither are you, lukas1985!


I am not trying to be, genius. Unlike you.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Honestly, the OP dosen't know what the hell he or she is talking about. For one thing, Claire never even knew Doug was the leader of the gang that took her hostage until she was asked to ID him by the FBI. And she never helped him do anything to escape at all----he had already planned his escape, and he already could tell that the cops had her home staked out because he was watching her place himself. So she never helped him with a damn thing. She was obviously distraught and mad as hell (for obvious reasons) when she found out who he really was and confronted him about it, and had said she never wanted to see him again---she made that very clear to Doug--and that was the last time she saw him. So all this stuff you're claiming about her being an accessory is just plain ridiculous---it's like you made up a whole other part of the film that didn't even exist.

As for the money, Claire had no idea he was going to give her that either, and instead of being greedy and keeping the goods for herself, she used it to give back to the neighborhood and made something positive out of a negative. And just because someone is educated and has a good job dosen't make them some perfect person who never makes a wrong decision. Sounds like you just have issues with women and are projecting them onto this particular character, which is ridiculous.

And, yeah, Doug's a** deserved to be locked-up, because he was a straight-up thug and leader of his crew, but the only thing that made his character palatable was that you could see he was getting sick and tired of living that thug life, and that if he didn't find some way out of it, he'd end up locked-down for life just like his dad. Unlike his thug buddies, he understood that their time for pulling the kind of robberies they did was limited, and that he needed to get out while he was still in one piece. That's what made his character and the film itself so compelling.



Accepting a date with some stranger she'd met just days after her bank was knocked over at gunpoint by Doug and his men, imho, seemed rather weird. Claire was a bit too trusting at first, but, in the end, she proved that she was not the naive, confused, addled and upset individual that she appeared to be, given the fact that she (meaning Claire), deliberately made total dupes of FBI Agt. Frawley and his men by merely pretending to work with them to help catch Doug, by tipping Doug off with a "sunny days" message to warn him away from her house.

FBI Agt. Frawley, imho, should've warned Claire to keep her fat trap shut, and not answer any of Doug's calls.


I disagree with you here, activists. Claire may not have had any idea who the hell Doug was or what he was up to at the very first, when they met "by chance" in the C-Town laundromat, but there's something a bit weird and not so normal about being so trusting of a perfect stranger just days after her bank was knocked over at gunpoint by doug and his men. I also think that when Doug was grilling her about her experience about her bank being knocked over as well as her being taken hostage, and when Doug was telling her what he knew about the criminal justice system, that, imho, was clearly a red flag! Another more streetwise, less naive person than Claire would've more than likely picked up on who Doug was and what he was up to right then and there, bailed on him immediately, and sought help and counseling from FBI Agt. Adam Frawley.

Moreover, while the fact that Claire's bank was knocked over at gunpoint by Doug and his men really wasn't Claire's fault at all, Claire's actions and behaviors following the robbery is what caused me to really lose sympathy for her. The fact that she deliberately covered Doug's ass and lied on his behalf to the FBi Agt. Frawley was plain disgusting, Moreover, the fact that Claire was only pretending to work with FBI Agt. Frawley and his men to help catch Doug, have him tried for, charged with, and imprisoned long term in a Federal penitentiary for his crimes, including first-degree murder, was beyond disgraceful.

Doug had no choice but to go to Florida, because of his own arrogance and stupidity. He lost his hockey career, and he had to leave the town that he'd grown up in his entire life. Frankly, I was hoping that the FBI Agt. Adam Frawley and his men would continue to hunt for him, after requesting that the description of Doug be put out, and saying "We'll find him, whereever he is." I was hoping that would happen.

I also stand by my opinion that Claire should've anonymously turned Doug's blood-stained loot money over to the proper authorities, with the help of Frawley, and found more honest ways of procuring the funds for the renovation of the C-Town ice hockey rink.

Unlike Kristina, the drugged-out, drunken sister of "Jem", who was gunned down during the shootout between Doug, his men and the law, who was merely playing the sorry cards that were dealt to her and her daughter, Shyne, Claire, imho, is an educated woman, with a responsible job and a decent salary, who had many more choices than Kristina Coughlin. Claire chose poorly, and she really should've known better.

The Town, imho, sends a message that it's okay to obstruct justice, and to not be held accountable for the outcome, which was the case for Claire, imho. No sympathy for Claire at all, from me.


I found your argument fun, and I'm sorry to say I don't buy it one bit. I think you must be in a debate class and are playing devil's advocate. I mean, if you REALLY think the things that you are writing, then okay................everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But it's like you are watching Schindler's List and taking the side of the evil commandant and saying how stupid the Jews are. 99% of people who watch this movie see that Clair is duped by Doug, she approaches HIM in the laundramat, thereby removing any suspicion of him as being the bank robber, and she falls in love with him (easy to do! as he's gorgeous and funny, and she's in a VERY vulnerable spot in her life).

Also, why do you excuse Krista, who was raised by wolves apparently and is one of the town's junkies-drunks-sluts but you blame DOUG whose own mother abandoned him and who was raised by a bank robber himself! Where is your sympathy for Doug in his choices, if you are going to excuse Krista?

I think it's a great movie and frankly I'm amazed at the sensitivity displayed by Ben Affleck for directing it like he did. I also loved Clair's character and I really love that actress.

So fess up now.............are you practicing for the debate team?


To each their own, lucianolvr, but I do have a different opinion of The Town. If one has a problem with that, well...too bad, because I stand by everything I've said about it in the more recent days.

Krista, although I dislike her sordid lifestyle and addiction to drugs and alcohol, was merely playing the cards that were dealt to her. Yes, I do blame Doug, because he was a hard-core, violent criminal with a mile-long record, who made one lousy decision after the other. Claire was duped by Doug, who lied his way into her heart and pretended to be an upstanding, ordinary, law-abiding citizen, when he was anything but that. Moreover, Claire allowed herself to be duped by Doug, and the fact that she not only refused to sever all contacts with Doug even after learning (courtesy of FBI Agt. Adam Frawley) who Doug really was and what he was truly up to, caused me to lose all sympathy for her. The fact that Claire deliberately and knowingly made dupes out of FBI Agt. Frawley and his men by merely pretending to work with them, in order to catch Doug MacRay and have him tried, charged and imprisoned for his crimes sends a rather disgusting message: That it's perfectly okay to deliberately obstruct that law-enforcements' efforts to bring violent criminals to the proper justice before the law, and that lack of accountability on the part of people like Claire are perfectly fine, when it means being deeply in love with somebody.


Krista, although I dislike her sordid lifestyle and addiction to drugs and alcohol, was merely playing the cards that were dealt to her. Yes, I do blame Doug, because he was a hard-core, violent criminal with a mile-long record, who made one lousy decision after the other.

Well, Doug was also then merely "playing the cards that were dealt to him". Krista had a bad life I'm sure, but she did not HAVE to be a drug addict/alcoholic and be stoned while raising a small child! She went out driving drunk....endangering everyone's life, not just her own and that of her child. Someone from YOUR family or MY family could have been hurt or killed (I know it's just a movie, but you know what I mean.) So I don't see how her choices were any better than Doug's. And yes, Doug was a violent criminal, but you don't see him being violent towards innocent people like Gem is, until the fight with the cops at the end. Anytime there is a fight with cops, that upsets me. Cops are just doing their jobs and are innocent and should not be shot at. I think that here you and I totally agree. Finally, Doug HAD made the decision to leave the life of crime, and that was a good decision. He stood up to his best friend, Gem, who tried to guilt Doug into staying in the life of crime, and Doug stood up to the florists. At least there's that, that Doug did change as a character..whereas they never showed Krista deciding to do anything good with her life.

Moreover, Claire allowed herself to be duped by Doug, and the fact that she not only refused to sever all contacts with Doug even after learning (courtesy of FBI Agt. Adam Frawley) who Doug really was and what he was truly up to, caused me to lose all sympathy for her.

Again, I don't understand why you say that Claire "allowed herself" to be duped by Doug. She had just met a handsome, nice, sweet and funny guy who she liked, and who gave her some emotional support at a very vulnerable time in her life. How could she have known that he was the kidnapper? I think she acted pretty reasonably after Don Draper (FBI) told her about Doug. She loved Doug by that point, and she did try to tell Doug to leave her alone. But Doug was insistent that she listen to him, because he really had decided to change. At that point, I suppose he could have proposed that they flee to Mexico, but that didn't happen so we don't know where that storyline would have gone. She would have been pretty crazy to flee to Mexico with a fugitive.
sends a rather disgusting message: That it's perfectly okay to deliberately obstruct that law-enforcements' efforts to bring violent criminals to the proper justice before the law, and that lack of accountability on the part of people like Claire are perfectly fine, when it means being deeply in love with somebody.

I hear your complaint. I also am sensitive to messages that movies send out. Oh my gosh, do NOT see the movie Point Break (2015) because it sends out the WORST message, in support of terrorism that I can imagine! So lame!! So I can sympathize with your anger towards the "message" of this film, if you see it as its message. Somehow I didn't come away with that being its message, I saw it more as an ill fated love story, with people caught in a crazy set of circumstances whose choices leave them screwed in the end (Doug, Krista, Gem). But I can respect that you see it differently.


Thanks, lucianolvr.

Although I stand by what I've been saying, I see where you're coming from. I saw the original Point Break, which I thought was quite good, and I wouldn't see the re-make of this film, because from what you said, it does sound rather awful, plus re-makes and sequels often come out not very good, anyway. Hollywood has run out of creative ideas, which is why so many re-maies and sequels of films are coming out these days.

Here's another thing, however: I still think that Doug acted in a rather predatory manner towards Claire; the fact that he'd been following her prior to robbing her bank, and then meeting her "by chance' in the laundromat (something that Doug admitted to when Claire asked him if he'd been following her.) , and the fact that Doug lied his way into Claire's heart, and made her believe that he was an ordinary, upstanding, law-abiding citizen, when, in fact, he was anything but that.

Thanks for seeing my points of view, even though you disagree with them. I can see where you're coming from, as well. Yes, Doug and Claire's relationship was a failed love story, with two people caught up in messy circumstances, but it was also clearly something that was not meant to be. I still think, however, that Claire would've commanded more respect if she'd really stood her ground and firmly and concisely told Doug, under no uncertain terms, not to come around and bother her anymore when Doug visited her garden, or she'd call the police.

Again, when Claire kicked Doug out of her condo after learning who he was and what he was up to, and had started to call 911, I really, really liked that, a lot, but Claire, imo, should've carried through with her decision to call 911 and get the FBI on Doug. I would've loved to see the FBI come to Claire's house, arrest Doug, handcuff him, and send him off to be tried, (hopefully) charged with, and forced to serve a long-term prison term in a Federal penitentiary for his crimes.

I really think, however, that Claire was rather rude to FBT Agt. Adam Frawley when he came to her house to show her the pics of Doug, Gem, Glossy and Dez, but that's my opinion.

I also see what you're saying about Krista's OUI (driving drunk), especially with her young daughter, Shyne, in the car with her. She's lucky that Shyne wasn't hurt or killed, or she could've been in serious trouble. When Krista was threatened with the loss of Shyne, she told FBI Agt. Frawley where the robbery was going to be (at Fenway Park), but she was angered at Doug's spurring her for Claire. Those two factors together made Krista rat on Doug and his men.


good post ;)

And one more thing:

When Krista was threatened with the loss of Shyne, she told FBI Agt. Frawley where the robbery was going to be (at Fenway Park), but she was angered at Doug's spurring her for Claire. Those two factors together made Krista rat on Doug and his men.

And then I thought about how THAT worked out for her (not too well). Okay, I presume she gets her child back, which is big. But, her snitching out her brother and his gang costs her her brother's life, and Gem would have come into BIG money! She loses Gem (her brother) and Doug, and all the cash that Gem surely would have shared with her and her daughter. So, what kind of message is that? I think that's a dangerous message too, because it could suggest to people that they don't help the police, when they should. Look what happened to her when she did!

Love me some Waltons


While I see what you're saying, lucianolvr, I think that Krista's brother Gem, Gloansy, and Dez were, from day one, bound to arrive at such a bad end, eventually they did. I think that this film also carries another message: That people who perpetrate violence often end up on the receiving end of it, as well.

In The Town's Alternate Ending, Doug also eventually gets gunned the two Dominican drug dealers, who were also working for Fergie, as it turned out, and who was also permanently crippled by Doug and Jem's beating and knee-capping him. .


I am glad that they kept this ending. I enjoy the imagery of him out there in the wetlands. Bayou?

And yes, the movie does carry the message you say.


I enjoy the imagery of him out there in the wetlands. Bayou?

To each their own, but I still think that Doug MacRay belonged behind bars.


Yes, I do blame Doug, because he knew exactly what he was doing when he followed in his father's footsteps, exploited Krista, and lied his way into Claire's heart about who he really was and what he was up to, in order to get Claire to trust him, in order to ensure that she would not squeal about Doug to the Feds. Claire was in a vulnerable spot when her bank was robbed by Doug MacRay and his men, but she put herself in an even more vulnerable spot when she not only got involved, wholesale in a romance with Doug, but refused to sever all contacts with him even after learning who Doug really was and what he was up to, courtesy of FBI Agt. Frawley.

Krista's addiction to drugs and alcohol was pitiful, and needed help, but she didn't get it, for obvious reasons.


you talk too much bitch


Go fuck yourself, asshole.


is that all you got? my little sister hits harder than you ask daddy to give you some pointers


Who gives a hoot in helsinki about your little sister. You've got a rather nasty attitude there.


I don't buy your comparison with my criticism of not only Doug and his gang, but my legitimate criticism of Claire, too. To compare my criticism of Doug MacRay to watching Schindler's List and taking the side of the evil ones is total baloney, and I'm not buying that, either. We can just agree to disagree, that's all.
