Rebecca Hall

She did well in this movie.

Hoping to see the Denver Broncos in SB 50


To each their own, but I think she was a little too vapid for my tastes. I would've preferred to see someone cast as Claire who wasn't so vapid, and who didn't look like she was straight out of some story-book.


Your vapid opinion is vapid in your vapid comment.


Agreed, she played the part expertly.


Not only that but she makes my private parts tingle... such a beautiful actress.


To each their own, but Claire looks too much like somebody out of a storybook for my tastes.


I thought the four leads were all really good and feel Rebecca Hall was perfect in her role.🐭


To each their own, but I stand by my position that Rebecca Hall was miscast for the role of Claire. I would've liked to see an actress who didn't look like the stereotypic, super good-girl.


Disagree she was cast well for this movie.


Disagree she was cast well for this movie. each their own.


She was excellent in The Town. She's excellent in everything. She has more acting chops in her smallest, most fragrant fart than Blake Lively has in her entire body. Now, you may not like that, but that's just the fĂșcking way it is!

You're my wife now.


To each their own. (shrugs.)


I think everyone got your point already.


Lol I'm wondering why this person felt the need to respond to everyone saying "to each their own..."


Totally agree, she comes across as believable in almost every role I have seen her. Plus she's easy on the eyes.


I disagree. I don't think that Rebecca Hall was that believable as Claire, nor do I think she's that attractive-looking, either.


I do see your point. It felt like she didn't really belong in this film.


Do you have to reply to every single post? you're not even saying anything new, just repeating yourself over and over in a poor, transparent effort to dominate the conversation. We get your point now can it for Christ's sake.


I disagree; I don't think I've ever seen such a bland actress before; I found her to have zero screen presence and zero charisma. A total flatliner. And I refer to the actress, not just the character.


Rebecca Hall was both an extremely bland actress, and the character of Claire was rather bland, as well.


I ❀ Rebecca Hall.

Beautiful woman and one of the best actresses working in Hollywood right now, she's always great.
