MovieChat Forums > Step Brothers (2008) Discussion > Only one thing that bugs me about this m...

Only one thing that bugs me about this movie

I find the marriage of Derek and Alice extremely unrealistic. It's obvious from the start they are a total mismatch. Someone like Derek would probably more likely marry the prom queen or some other popular cheerleader type straight out of high school. Alice on the other hand is rather plain looking, self-conscious, and dorky. The total opposite one would expect Derek to be with.
To me it kind of ruins the realism of the film. I have trouble immersing myself in it with this glaring departure from realism.

I'm quietly judging you.


self centered jerks usually do get with her type.

& the dog says woof woof & the cat says meow.


I agree, they don't want to share the spot light. They take a plain first wife, have a couple of kids, cheat, marry their mistresses who are Trophies, and then spend middle age and beyond with the prom queen types. Although I thought it was ironic that Alice was running around on Derek.


First off, don't read too much, if anything, into this movie. Just go with it. That said, Derek is a control freak, so it's probably more about getting someone he can control than anything else. Second, I dispute your contention that Alice was plain looking, I found her hot and if I were a 40 something loser that got to bang her because I punched her loathsome husband in the face I'd be a happy 40 something loser.


You're right, the chick HAD something!


wait you're questioning the realism of this film?


anyways, my input, perhaps they got together before he made his money?


i think her character was overly submissive/cooky to enhance what an ásshole her husband was.
