swastika on side of mountain?

i don't know if anyone has noticed/brought this up but at the 1:21ish mark when the three brothers are trekking up toward the top of the mountain on the far right side of the screen a chalk swastika and white square look to be inscribed into the stone. knowing wes there HAS to be a significance to this? anybody?


The swastika is a historical sacred symbol both to evoke 'Shakti' in tantric rituals and evoke the gods for blessings in Indian religions.



If you'd ever been to India you'd know there are swastikas everywhere. It was a Hindu religious symbol for several thousand years before the Nazis got hold of it.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


Counter-clockwise and turned 45 degrees is Nazi. Clockwise and at 90 degrees is Buddhist. Counter-clockwise at 90 degrees is Hindu.


The Hindu religious symbol was misappropriated by the Nazis.

Its that man again!!
