MovieChat Forums > The Darjeeling Limited (2007) Discussion > Nice plothole with the pregnant bit

Nice plothole with the pregnant bit

So in the present, Peter revealed his wife was pregnant to Jack but didn't want Francis to know. But in the flashback, the news was revealed.

Mmmmkay. Nice writing there, dingleberry. A movie that could have been a 7/10 has gone down to a 4/10.



The phone call.



I only heard them talk about the mother not coming.

Wasn't the funeral 1 year prior to the India trip? I thought they said that several times. And the baby is due in a month. That would make it a 13 month gestation. I don't think the pregnancy was revealed in the flashback.


You are quite right. Alice wasn't pregnant in the limo during their father's funeral, which was a year before their trip to India. The brothers haven't really spoken or seen each other since the funeral. There was no mention of any pregnancy in the flashback scene, couldn't have been since Alice wasn't pregnant.


Alice says on the phone to Francis while he is at the garage: "I spoke to your mother. She's not coming."

It's the 3 brothers' mother (Patricia) who didn't come to the funeral, not Peter's wife (Alice), who is the one who is pregnant while they are in India.


So the real dingleberry is the OP.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering


You're wrong. Watch it again. Who's the dingleberry now, jackass?


Wrong op
