Very boring and basic

Nothing of intellectual value. Who watches these things? Very incomplex. No ideas to be transpired.

For a moment I thought it was getting interesting when the old man talked about the Wendigo myth. But, we never see any Wendigos.

I would skip this. Watch Ravenous (1999) Instead.


Yep. VERY lackluster.


Wendigo? More like Wheredeygo? Am I right?


Underrated comment haha


I thought it was fairly well directed but I was a bit bored. There was room for interesting developments but it devolved into standard horror tropes in the end.


I don't mind boring movies as long as there is some intellectual meat. This is boring and it lacks any content to think about.


yeaaaah i am most probably gonna wait for this one to hit the piratebayz before i watch it. doesn't look that good


Loved Ravenous.

Also liked the original Pet Sematary. It had the best acting from a toddler I've ever seen, and Church was cool.
