180 degree rule
Ok, so first of all - I'm only halfway through Season 2...so no spoilers please.
I have become quite addicted to this show and one of the things I love about it is how well directed it is. But here's the thing: it seems like every episode there is a long pan shot that goes behind a character's head (often it is Paul's) and crosses the 180 degree line so all the shot/reverse shots have been...well, reversed. For the life of me, I can't come up with a good reason for why. I know it's not arbitrary, but I Just haven't caught on.
I thought for a while it might happen at the exact midpoint of the episode, but that doesn't hold true. I thought for a few episodes (definitely with the Laura episodes) that it the 180 degree line was broken when there was a role reversal in the session, but that doesn't hold up either.
Any thoughts about this? It really has been bugging me for quite a while now.