Q. re Season 1

Can anyone remember which episode in Season One Paul explains that as a therapist he cannot give his client advice about 'what to do' because that would be unprofessional?

If anyone has the transcript and the section of dialogue I'd be most grateful if it were posted.


"Jesse, I'm not suppose to tell you what to do, but us someone who cares about you I'm going to."
It's from season 3e23.



But I've only seen Season 1, and the dialogue I'm looking for is in there somewhere.


Well, I have just started to watch this show and I've heard him say this at least a couple of times to Alex because he's always asking pushing Paul to give him an answer to what he should do.

But the one you may be thinking about is I think "Jake and Amy week 2" when Jake pushes Paul in a corner about if they should keep the baby o


or not.. Jake what Paul thinks they should do and he answers that it would be totally unprofessional if he said what they should do. I think it goes something like that. Sorry slipped with my iPad before :)


It's in Season 1 Paul and Gina: Week Two

Paul to Gina: "It's not your place to say I should tranfer a patient. It's like me telling that couple to have an abortion. It's not what therapists do. We don't tell people how to run their lives".


I've been rewatching the series, and, in fact, it's come up with just about every patient in the first 8 episodes of the first season.

