anybody watch this?

If nothing else is on, I'll watch this show. It's interesting. I've always wondered about some of the stuff they cover on this show. I even wrote in and asked them to do flexible plastic drinking straws. I can't imagine how those are made lol.

So does anybody else out there watch this show?

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


its seems to be a show people dont want to admit liking! I LOVE IT! most important link ever


yeah its awesome



I like it, it's really interesting and watch it when I remember and it's on. I sat one day watching with my 3yr old nephew and he was facinated with it more than most of the kids programmes that he watches.

Manufacturing and industrial type related programmes don't usually interest me, but I do like this and theres nearly always something different unless it's a repeat.


It is a great program for children! It's so interesting. Do you remember on Mr. Rogers', he'd sometimes show clips of factory things like this show? I remember learning how the toothpaste got into the tube from Mr. Rogers lol.

No one should be ashamed of watching this show!

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


this show has always put me in mind of mr. rogers, too! my favorite episode was when mr. rogers went to a crayon factory.


I found this show by accident during a Marathon this past XMAS.
I have been hooked ever since. I have even purchased some of the products.

Need I say more? You are remembered.


I like it so much I have my satellite recorder set to record every episode. I think its a bad-@$$ show. I love learning how things are made.


I love this show!! Watch it every time its on
