A worker. workers.

It should be banned forever to say 'workers' and 'a worker' more than 5 times per 15 minute segment.

If you watch this show, the term 'worker' will be said over and over.. and over.. And OVER.

A worker does this. Workers then.. then a Worker. A worker. Workers then..


I don't care if it is all workers, just don't freaking say it 2 times a minute!


A worker stirs the IMDb to prevent it from solidifying.



Workers stack about 30 IMDBs with craft paper in between to absorb some of the moisture.


It should be banned forever to say 'workers' and 'a worker' more than 5 times per 15 minute segment.

If you watch this show, the term 'worker' will be said over and over.. and over.. And OVER.

A worker does this. Workers then.. then a Worker. A worker. Workers then..


I don't care if it is all workers, just don't freaking say it 2 times a minute!

I absolutely agree! It's totally unnecessary and incredibly irritating.


Although I agree, your blatant use of the "w word" has offended some of those around you. Your post will now be banned.

I love in some episodes (I guess it happened because of translation, or whatever) you clearly see a female wor-- I mean, um employee doing something, but the narrator continually says "*He* then bolts it to the undercarriage. Then *he* does this and that..." Etc. It's rare, but it's funny as hell when that happens. That calls for a shot of something when you're playing the How It's Made drinking game.

"Light a candle for the sinners, set the world on fire!"
