I agree! I have 3 boys ages 18, 9 & 8 and I'm so freaked out anout stuff like this happing I feel like that's all I do is talk about stuff like this happing/going on.. Child abduction has been the biggest fear of mine since I became a parent. I would never let my little ones walk alone, no matter the neighborhood or area... And no matter the sex of the child.. I watched this movie 1x and don't think I could ever watch it again, one reason I'm on here now is my 18yr old is watching it & I'm talking about it.. And how it's a movie that haunts me to this day! A very hard watch.. Because of the truth behind it, if I had 1 wish it would be a world without any violence towards children/teenagers, kidnappings, sex trafficking ect... Sick sick people do that and I pray their souls burn in hell or whatever afterlife there is... Sorry for the rant but makes me so sick! I don't know you or your daughter but I pray she never encounters any bad in her little innocent life & adult hood...