Lots of reasons...
1. Doesn't feel like a Bond film. I don't mean that he doesn't sleep with one of the women or that he orders beer instead of his martini. Neither of those help, but I don't need either for Bond to be Bond. What I mean is that it's lacking every element and nuance that makes Bond Bond. There is an exception in the opera scene, which reclaims the 007 vibe for a short bout, but mostly the entire vibe of the film is off-kilter. It's a decent action movie (although not great), but it has no sense of what it is. It feels like I'm watching Charles Dickens in pastel colours.
2. The action scenes are terrible. Shaky cam works in a film like Saving Private Ryan where Spielberg is attempting to show the chaos of being in combat. When used for the larger-than-life spy/action film, it's a severe detriment.
3. It seems to be hedging its bets a lot. It keeps a toe in the Bond world, but kinda wants to be Jason Bourne. It has over the top action hero stunt stuff, but also wants to keep the movie grounded in real world issues. Then, when it goes into those issues, it never goes too deep, because that would have plunged the movie into drama - they keep it an action movie. As a result, it's a jack of all trades without being really competent at anything.
4. Overall, I found the film forgettable. As I said before, it's a decent action movie, but it doesn't stand out. Do you remember the Jet Li, Jason Statham film War? Neither do I, and I saw it. Quantum of Solace was so very, very unmemorable.
For me, most of it comes from number one and number four. I'm not saying I'm right, just saying that's why I don't like the movie.