why the year 1961 ?

after i saw the show , i just begin to ask myself , why the writers choose , the year 1961 that start the event ? is it , just a year that job to they thoughts , when they wrote the series ? or they mean something from that year ?? i just think , maybe , that year is the beginning of things , that change the face of world , like , Korea war , Vietnam , the road to the tragic end of kendy , " somehow " the beginning of the troubles that covers the Mideast tell now , etc ... anyone agree , about that or have anther ideas ?


My guess would be the numerology of it.

1+9+6+1=17 1+7=8 which coincedently is the symbol for infinity when horizontal.

Don't assume I share your predjudices.


The writers said in an interview on http://com4.runboard.com/bthecollectors
That the year was chosen, because 40 years was long enough to feel historic, but recent enough that the viewer could relate...


What about the May 4, part?

...do the grammar...that makes me Pusan!


Kinda makes me think of 42 being the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Douglas Adams said 42 actually meant nothing to him. He was just staring out a window think of what the answer should be and he thought "42".

Maybe the writers just thought "May 4th 1961" sounds good. Maybe May 4th is the birthday of the directors daughter, who knows. My theory is that the date doesn't mean anything.

Anyway, this cake is great. It's so delicious and moist.


It's been at least a year since the last time I watched this mini-series on DVD, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but were'n't there 2 anomalities (aka.'events') which took place in that Motel? The actual event which created the objects and the 2nd one created by the 1st cabal('THE COLLECTORS'), which ruptured the fabric of space & time. The latter event also seems to be the be responsible for disrupting the original course and flow of universe/warped reality, sort of speak.



Yes you're correct. This was where the Collectors thought they could use the Objects in some sort of sequence to affect the Space/Time Continuum in a way so that they could attain any desire they wished.

THIS may have been what started the war between the Collectors or ended it, I don't recall.


Turn 1961 upside down and reverse it... 1961 again! It is an eternal loop similar to a Mobieus strip... And like another said "infinity."

Go! put off holiness, / And put on intellect
