MovieChat Forums > The Lost Room (2006) Discussion > John Doe???(spoilers possibly)

John Doe???(spoilers possibly)

When Joe arrives at the Green Valley Psychiatric Institute he asks for John Doe..How did he know that the Occupant was called John Doe???
How did he know that the occupant would be in the Green Valley Mental Institution on the first hand??
I couldnt get this from the film,may be anyone can explain..


I saw this film today for the first time. Yes I know, I'm late :)

John Doe is the "name" given by doctors and police to people without any identification. For the system it seems to be necessary, that everybody has a name, but when not, they call him John Doe. I think for women it's Jane Doe.

When the guy from the book shop followed all the movements all items ever did by his computer, there spoted a place, where no item has been in all the time. In this area was almost nothing but this Mental Institution.


This reasoning works... assuming there was only one unidentified patient at the institute. I would think there are usually more than one (i.e. John Doe1, John Doe2? or do they have some other naming system for multiple unnamed admitees?)


No. Take, for example, two people working in a police station. Both are named Michael Smith -- a common name. From a human aspect, everyone "knows" each of these Michael Smiths because they are different. Some might even assign them nicknames to tell them apart in conversation. From a data storage aspect, they are given IDs; in this case, their IDs are their respective badge numbers.

So, John Doe would have a random patient number assigned to him, usually assigned based on his details or admittance. For example, a patient # might be DOEJ0001, meaning their database allots numbers for 9999 people with a last name of Doe whose first name begins with J, but more often this also includes stuff like date of birth, to create even more space.

In the case of the show though, there was only one John Doe at that institute at that particular time, so the guy knew who was being referred to.
