picturing the door

If this has already been addressed in another thread, forgive me, I haven't had time to read through them all.
In a later episode (The Eye, if I'm not mistaken), Joe says that he has to be able to picture a specific door in order to open the motel room door to that place. Most of the time, this makes sense-- he'd been inside Jennifer's house before, and probably had been inside Ruber and Destafano's homes as well, since they were friends and co-workers. However, there are a few that don't make sense to me. The straw hut he opens to when he first discovers the key? The shack in the middle of the desert where he abandons Ruber? Are these inconsistencies, or can someone offer an explanation? Thanks.


If you don't clearly think of anything then the key sends you anywhere- Joe says this


Yeah like when he was at the prison - he wanted to find the vault, at the prison. That door didn't work, so it spit him out as close as possible while he lessened his range.

This is also how he's able to go around corners sneakily when chasing the comb user, or the scissor user, because he wills himself to the door that person is passing, presumably within this building.

He also mentions though that he scopes out a place before he goes there, so he might've learned of those doors that way but it seems he finds doors to places based on will and as long as it isn't too specific the key accomodats. Like if he wanted to go to a store with whole grain supplies it'd probably take him there, or as close to one as possible.

The room sort of works with the user.


I believe he explains that if he's not picturing a specific door then it will just open on some random door somehwere

"If you're looking for a better steak in an arcade setting you're sh!t out of luck!
