I wonder what will happen if the Occupant (Joe) gathers all Objects in the room and destroys them one by one?

Indestructible outside but common inside the Object can be destroyed in the room - but Rule of Preservation tells us that another Object takes its place.

What happens when there's no more Object to take the place of destroyed ones?
And can an Object inherit other powers (accumulative power)?

Maybe the Occupant would then "be as God" - mentioned/noted by Kreutzfeld in last episode.

Combination of Objects will give new "power-combos" - can the Occupant gather all Object and be imbued with divine power...?

The Question is: Can the Occupant - after destroying all Objects in the room - be the only Object? - And would it all end if he as the last Object in the room died of natural reasons?

- Mindwipe, Reaver of Souls


It's never said outright that you can destroy objects other than the occupant. (It's hinted at, but never said.) In the original script, the Occupant makes it clear that he's the only object that can be replaced- in order to transfer one object to another, you need a will, which only he has. And since you can't destroy an object without another taking its place, and only the Occupant can have another person take his place, you can deduce that only the Occupant can be destroyed. It didn't make it into the final version, I know, but it's something to think about.
