should be a tv show

i watched it last week and have ordered it again to watch this weekend. i wish the ptb would turn it into a tv show. who's with me?

Ask a fish head anything you want to, they won't answer. They can't talk.


Yeah I agree. IIRC there was some hope among the producers that it would be picked up as a regular series. Of course at the end of the mini Joe gets rid of the key and so he likely wouldn't be the hero of any ongoing series. And part of why the mini worked so well was Peter Krause in the lead. Done slightly wrong it has the potential to suck. I mean check out Warehouse 13 which has a similar basic premise but which is far inferior to the Lost Room.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


I agree it would need good casting. I like to think the little girl would be the new occupant and the father would be in for a shock. Also I like to wonder what the tv would have done if out of the room. Maybe the ptb will see most tv sucks right now and turn this into a tv series. I also wonder what became of the guy who thought he was going to turn into God. They just left us hanging.

Ask a fish head anything you want to, they won't answer. They can't talk.
