MovieChat Forums > The Lost Room (2006) Discussion > Full List of Objects, and Powers if Know...

Full List of Objects, and Powers if Known (Spoilers Obviously)

The FAQ lists the following, but this list is incomplete:

Any item which was in Room 10 at the time of the Event and which is subsequently removed is known as an "object." All objects share the property of indestructibility. This means that clothing can be used as a type of body armor. Each object also has the ability to violate the laws of reality in a certain discrete way. With the exception of The Key and The Polaroid, these powers seem to be completely random and unrelated to the ordinary functions of the item, although some object must be used in an ordinary manner in order to activate their special powers (for example the glasses must be worn and the comb must be run through ones hair) There are estimated to be around 100 objects floating around the world. The ones which are named and which had powers explained in the series are:

-The Key: Opens a door to Room 10, from where the user can exit to any place with a hinged door. To operate it must be used in a pin tumbler lock and on a door which is on hinges. Considered to be the most powerful object.

-The Eye: A glass eye which, when placed inside the owner's eye socket, allows them to fire blasts which disintegrate human flesh. Also rumored to be able to heal flesh.

-The Bus Ticket: Anyone touching the ticket will be teleported to a spot a few dozen feet above a highway outside Gallup, NM. The current owner has wrapped one end with duct tape in order to use it safely.

-The Pen: When clicked it can fire blasts of radiation which can burn a human.

-The Pencil: When tapped against a hard surface it produces a 1964 penny.

-The Umbrella: Makes people believe that they know the owner. The current owner resides in Seattle so as to be less conspicuous.

-The Scissors: Rotate an object along an axis of the owner's choosing.

-The Cufflinks: Lower the wearer's blood pressure. Possibly a placebo effect.

-The Quarter: When swallowed it allows the owner to physically manifest an object of desire. This only lasts until the quarter is passed.

-The Comb: When run through the owner's hair it stops time for several seconds.

-The Radio: When tuned to the right station it increases the owner's height by 2 inches.

-The Clock: The Clock is permanently stuck at the supposed time of the event. When it is wound up it sublimates brass.

-The Deck of Cards: When the face side of the deck is shown to someone it causes them to experience horrific visions, resulting in momentary incapacitation and lasting mental trauma. Most obviously used as a weapon, although the Order of the Reunification also used it on new recruits as an initiation.

-The Glasses: When worn they stop all combustion in the immediate vicinity of the wearer.

-The Polaroid: Apparently an undeveloped polaroid picture, when viewed in the space which Room 10 should have occupied it shows the owner what the room looked like at the time of the event.

A full list of all the objects, approximately a hundred, the source of their identification in the show, and their powers has been collected together and posted on Wiki at

I don't know how I had never even heard of this show, it didn't register at all. This is good television.


Just wondering why in the FAQ under "the glass eye" it says "rumoured" to heal flesh, Kevin Pollack's character does use it to heal himself at one point so it is confirmed. Or did I see that wrong? I was in and out of the room.


I didn't remember him ever using it to heal flesh. But maybe I'm misremembering

"If you're looking for a better steak in an arcade setting you're sh!t out of luck!


He definitely does use it to heal himself after he gets shot in the chest by Jennifer.


It is considered Rumored because this is a list generated within the universe of the show, not for the viewers.
