Thumb print?

How did the thumb print get on the mirror? The old man(who's thumb made the print) said that his wife owned the hotel, but only found the room 10 key after the event. So... even if he went in and made the print, wouldn't it have reset like everything else!?


The man you're talking about was the janitor, and apparently made the fingerprint some time before the Event -- which he of course wouldn't remember doing since the Event wiped the Room and all memory of it out of existence except for the Objects.

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The common theory about the origins of the room is that the Event erased the room and all its contents from history. Therefore sometime before the Event the janitor would have left the print in the course of his duties. My theory is that the Event caused a rip between two different universes. In one of these universes Eddie McCleister existed and in the other he didn't. So in my theory the janitor would have been the same in both universes.

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But the janitor said that there wasn't a room ten when they ran the motel, which is why finding the key was such a mystery. He says that since there was no room 10, his wife began experimenting on room 9. Which means that if room 10 is, in fact, from another reality, or from sometime before the guy and his wife ran the hotel, the janitor shouldn't be able to do anything to permanently alter it, like leave a thumbprint. He and his wife should be having the same experience that Joe has, in which the room resets itself every time.


Yes but if the Event erased the room from history he wouldn't remember that it ever existed, would he?

"If you're looking for a better steak in an arcade setting you're sh!t out of luck!


The thumbprint got there the same way Eddie McCleister got there. It got there the same way a picture of Mabel Smith got there. Think about it- if Mabel Smith never got her picture taken with Eddie McCleister (because Eddie McCleister didn't exist), how did he show up with a picture with her?

Simple. Some way or another, Eddie McCleister, the room, and everything in it was erased from history. The janitor said there was never a room 10 because, as far as he knew, there wasn't a room 10. There WAS a Room 10, just like there was an Eddie McCleister. Then the Event happened, and erased the room and everything involved from history.

Make sense?


This is your timeline:

On the original timeline:
1) The motel is built with 10 rooms.
2) The janitor goes into room 10 to clean it and leaves a thumb print on the mirror.
3) The Event happens. For reasons unknown room 10 becomes the location of a tear in reality. The room and its contents (the objects, the occupant, the thumb print) are all separated from the laws of time and physics. This allows the objects to perform paranormal tasks and erases them from history, rewriting the past.

On the new timeline:
1) The motel is built with 9 rooms.
2) The janitor never enters room 10 or leaves the thumbprint.
3) The key appears. The janitor and his wife use it to access the lost room. The room is exactly the same as it was on the original timeline, with the thumbprint, for others to discover.

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