Another logic flaw...

It's explained that when you use the comb, the world is "frozen" - you can't move things, open doors, etc. But when the Harold Stritzke character is in the convenience store getting his photos, he uses the comb and steals the money from the cash drawer.

Just my US$.02...




I disagree. The person WITH the comb can move around, but other objects are not supposed to be moveable.



Yeah Darth_Buddha, that's what I was thinking too. Not to mention that breathing itself would become quite a tricky business - but well you could hold your breath, I suppose. Another thing though - if time stopped, but not for you, would you see any light?... Light does travel, and if there's no time, then there's no moving, not even for light ( I hope this wasn't too silly, I was really never good in physics).

Words, Mr. Sullivan, are precious things. And they are not to be tempered with!



"Everything would look more and more reddish, with red becoming black, orange becoming red.yellow becoming orange, and so on."

The amount of shift you're talking about is minuscule- a 20% slowdown. What they're depicting is time being essentially frozen - tens of thousands of times (how far can he move in the 10 seconds he's frozen vs how far a bullet can move, for example). The waves of light you'd see would be tens of thousands of times faster than what the naked eye could see.

What I want to know is why he wasn't constantly bumping into rock hard weeds.


A lot of you seem to be missing a fundamental point here. The Event broke reality as we know it. The laws of physics don't apply properly to the Items. They can bend or violate natural law because they exist outside of it.


That's a very astute observation! Thanks for pointing it out.


Wow, you guys are geniuses! How about for the next exercise, you try to use high school physics to prove that there cannot be a magic room behind the door. Or an ageless, bulletproof human being. And so on.

How about a little suspension of disbelief? Clearly this show isn't supposed to be hard science fiction. It's more like magic and fantasy.


Correct me if I am wrong here.
It was a few days since I saw that passage in the series.
But, it seems to me that he "unfroze" time just long enough
to steal the money and then froze time again to sneak away.
Meaning, time was not frozen when he stole the money.




Well, since this process starts by running what is essentially a plastic comb through your hair, I don't think it would be accurate to say that the air molecules and photons would HAVE to be unmovable. I'm not an expert on how plastic combs that freeze time affect air molecules, and I doubt you are, either. If I'm not mistaken, all the objects effect reality in some way. It may well be that the comb freezes people, but not air.


When passing the comb through his hair, there is also air circulating around his head...

Hence, air can move just as he can...




He can move objects, but he cannot bend them. If the wallet, for example, had been lying in the middle of someone's palm, Peter could have grabbed it, but if someone is gripping it, even lightly, then it becomes immovable without either removing the holding fingers or sliding the wallet out of the grasp, which would have required moving the indentationts of the fingers along the wallet.

Watch the scene in the convenience store again, as memory serves, the money was not secured, it was just lying there in the tray. Later on, Peter grabs a shovel during frozen time and swings it around to deflect a bullet. Similar circumstances.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!



Its explained - by rumor and legend - that when you use the comb, the world is "frozen".

For those using physics to show how the "show" has a hole... it just shows that the rumors and legends spread by the characters in the show are possibly incorrect.

Or physics is flawed. I have a hard time believing that people are arguing that a magic comb violates Einstien, when the whole show opens with the premise that one day physics *broke* - or God died - or some equally apocolyptic event.

Maybe the comb doesn't stop time. Maybe the comb produces localized mass hypnosis. Or maybe just mass paralysis with the draw back that the user hallucinates that time is still. He can't open doors because he doesn't think he can open them. But the user - being dumb - doesn't realize that air is made of matter and therefore can walk and breath as normal.

Yet, those experiencing this effect would say "wow, time just stopped." And so the false rumor begins.


Shhh, you're too smart for this thread.
Don't share how the objects defy reality themselves.


He can't move objects that are connected to something. The draw being open had money in it that wasn't held down by anything. He simply picked up the hard, plastic pieces of money. Which became soft again when he came out of the time stop.

The wallet wasn't moveable because it was gripped. I would say that items are indestructable in this state as well. But they can be moved.


Holy *beep*

Best response to this thread yet.
