"and turns to reality programming and wrestling."
Why don't you shut your stinking whole, you fruitcake! I've been watching reality shows since they first appeared, and my hole family loves them aswell. And about wrestlin, you better KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT, OR I'LL SHUT IT FOR YOU!
I don't wanna ever here you speak that way about wrestlin again, you nancy boy!
Wrestlin is the most perfect, wholesome, wonderful form of entertainment which Jesus has ever created, and I won't sit hear and listen to some fool speak badly of it. Wrestlin has been around for well over a hundred thousand years, and even in the catacombs of Egypt they have found ancient magazines with drawings of naked men wrestlin. It's older than anything else, and exists for a reason, you cross-dressing accountant who eats quiche!
My wife, sister, aunt, uncle, ex-wife, brothers, parents, 12 children, and everyone else who lives in our trailer ALL LOVE WRESTLIN! As does everyone in our town, in the glorious state of Alabama, including most all members of our church...Christs Divine Suffering of Holy Redemption Ministries Chapel, ltd.
Answer that and stay fashionable, Mr. Smarty Trousers!
They are like our hero's from the Bible, battling the forces of evil. So big, strong, handsome, and righteous!
So watch your filthy mouths, you pretentious pigs, with your artsy-fartsy programs filled with men who lay with other men, transbenders, and women in positions of power. That's not what Lord Jesus approves of!