My Navigational Cinema OR the Alternate Paths/Endings I Would've Offered
What did everybody think of RTHOHH's "Navigational Cinema" selection of alternate paths and endings? How much, if anything, would you have changed? Tell me if this is better, worse, or about the same as what's on the Blu-Ray/HDVD...
1. Should Ariel return her sister's phone call? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice occurs at the very beginning of the film, when Ariel's assistant tells her that Sara tried calling. In the theatrical version of the film, Ariel does not return the phone call, but instead goes about her business.
If ‘Yes’ is chosen: Ariel and her assistant call Sara, only to hear a creepy and frightening voice whisper Ariel's name. Ultimately, this results in Desmond knocking Paul into the Hydro-Pool instead of Kyle. (SEE #6)
2. Should Harue resist the women? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice occurs during the scene in which two lesbian ghosts attempt a seduction of Harue. In the theatrical version of the film, Harue resists the ghosts and is chased towards Dr. Vannacutt…who kills her.
If ‘No’ is chosen: Harue accepts and returns the sexual advances of both lesbian ghosts. After a longer and more graphic sex scene, Harue is warned by both lesbians that leaving this house immediately is her only chance for survival. Harue follows said advice, runs and indeed survives. Much later in the film, she is seen again, finding the Baphomet Idol washed ashore (right before the end credits roll).
3. Should Michelle let Richard go to Ariel? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice occurs right after Ariel is forced into the isolation chamber and trapped in a straight jacket. In the theatrical version of the film, Michelle and Richard run to the isolation chamber, where they rescue Ariel.
If ‘No’ is chosen: Michelle stops Richard, telling him they aren't going anywhere without Desmond's permission. However, as she tries phoning Desmond, a ghost on a bloody stretcher flies down the hallway past them. Richard investigates the bloody stretcher, finds and pockets a scalpel. As a result, Ariel is fatally stabbed by Richard during the film's climax, but doesn't realize she's dead until the very end.
Also, if ‘No’ is chosen: Paul automatically runs away. (SEE #5)
4. Should Samuel answer the phone? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice actually occurs at a point that is edited out of the film's theatrical version. It takes place during the scene in which Samuel gets orders from ‘Desmond’ to enter the asylum. By default, Samuel ignores the call. Paul pokes fun at him, and this scene progresses as in the film's theatrical cut.
If ‘Yes’ is chosen: Samuel answers the phone and receives “Desmond’s” new instructions to bring Paul inside. Ultimately, this results in Michelle surviving the film’s end; much later in the movie, she is seen again, finding the Baphomet Idol washed ashore (right before the end credits roll).
5. Should Paul run away? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice occurs after Paul and Samuel enter the Asylum; Paul has a chance to run away while Samuel is distracted. In the film's theatrical version, Paul does not run away; this resulting in his surviving the film's end.
If ‘Yes’ is chosen: Paul escapes from Samuel and discovers a ghost impersonating Ariel. She seduces Paul by leading him into a bedroom and sprawling naked under a sheet. Paul, however, removes the sheet to discover Warren's corpse…and the ghost-nurse! Paul escapes from the bedroom but dies later in the crematorium; the ghost-nurse kisses Paul, then rips out and licks his heart…just before Ariel destroys the Idol. A side-effect of all this has Richard automatically killing Ariel in the shower-room.
NOTE: If Michelle let Richard go to Ariel, Paul automatically stays put.
6. Should Ariel save Kyle (Paul) or go for the map? ‘Save Kyle (Paul)’ or ‘Get map’
This choice occurs in the Hydrotherapy Room, where Desmond seals Kyle's fate by tossing him into the freezing pool. In the film's theatrical version, Ariel dives into the huge ice-bath in a vain attempt to rescue Kyle; he sinks to his death, while she is lifted to safety by Paul and Richard. All of this enables Michelle to get the map and flee with Desmond.
If ‘Get map’ is chosen: Michelle rushes for the map and recovers it anyway. Ariel jumps into the water to help Kyle, and the movie goes on as before.
NOTE: If Ariel returned Sara’s phone call (SEE #1), Desmond throws Paul into the water instead of Kyle. Ariel leaps into the pool to save him; instead, he boosts her up so that Richard and Kyle can reach her. Paul is then killed by a ghost in the water, and Ariel winds up with Kyle instead.
7. Should Desmond go into the room? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
This choice occurs during the scene in which Desmond is running down a hallway, after Michelle is killed. In the film's theatrical version, Desmond stops at the doorway and does not enter the film-room. As a result, he survives...only to die in the crematorium after a final confrontation with Ariel, Paul and Richard.
If ‘Yes’ is chosen: Desmond locates a projector showing footage of Dr. Vannacutt…who suddenly climbs out of the picture and impales Desmond's skull upon the projector. As a result of this choice, Richard and Paul and Ariel do not meet up with Desmond in the crematorium. Yet the scene plays out very similarly, with Paul fleeing the cremated ghosts; the film's ending is otherwise unaffected.
There are two possible outcomes to all this:
A. Ariel and Paul (or Kyle) both survive. They escape from the asylum together…as in the film's theatrical version.
B. Both Ariel and Paul (or Kyle) die. Ariel finds that she is unable to leave the asylum. Paul (or Kyle) then finds Ariel visiting her corpse, where they realize that they're both stuck in the asylum.
Additionally (depending on whether or not Harue resists the lesbian ghosts, and on whether or not Samuel answers the phone), an extra scene will play out after said ending…but before the credits.
Thanks for your feedback, fellow HOHH fans!