Which was the original?

I read in the user reviews

"A very poor update of the classic i have a few problems with this film -The doctor was seen too much, i feel in the original his presence was more weird, unknown and frightening, in this one he even talks..lame!" (Author: rimzey from Australia) and I wonder which was the original film he is referring to.

I agree that the film was rather bad. It began promising, but after the first 20 minutes or so, that is after the entry in the house, it was boring.


When he refers to the film as a 'poor update of the classic,' he's referring to 1959's "House on Haunted Hill," starring Vincent Price.

When he talks about the doctor being freakier in the original, though, he probably means in the 1999 remake, to which this is a sequel.

(My apologies, edited to clarify.)


Thank you.


Don't know why there's confusion? The 1959 film didn't have a plot of a doctor & hospital/mental ward, in it.



Don't know why there's confusion? The 1959 film didn't have a plot of a doctor...
But who in their right mind would refer to the 1999 version as a classic?
