Theme music?

Anybody know if the theme music to "Forbrydelsen" is available anywhere? As far as I can tell, it was composed by Frans Bak (though it sounds unlike other music by him I've found online -- the theme music is much more modern and electronic). Can't find it on Amazon, Spotify, etc.


I found this on YouTube if it's any help:

I was actually looking for the really sad music they play during the bits with the parents but couldn't find it :-/

save me from the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone


Thanks very much for your help -- that was a good lead. After a bit more snooping, it appears that the theme/intro music is a remix of the composer's original composition by a Danish group called Neptun: Doesn't seem the music is available to buy anywhere, and their own website contains almost no information, let alone a discography or sound clips.

As you have probably figured out, the composer for the original music on the series is named Frans Bak. I don't know if the music you're looking for is by him, but he does have a fair amount of his music available online in case you want to sift through it (including Spotify, if you can get that where you are).

A couple of links:


This is the best one I have found so far
