Season 3 Information - **Spoilers**
Season 3 Spoilers -
Just got back from a screening at the Filmhouse in Edinburgh of Series 2, Episode 1. Sofie Grabol and Piv Bernth were there and answered questions about the Forbrydelsen Saga.
* Series 3 will be the last story. Piv Bernth told us it was a planned trilogy and there will be no more after this one.
* So far the only confirmed returning characters will be Lund and Brix.
* The back story this time is centered around the current financial crisis in Europe.
* Certain parts of the storyline will answer questions from as far back as series 1. Piv Bernth hinted that this would involve Brix in some respect.
* Lund will have another jumper. Sofie Grabol mentioned she originally didn't want to carry on with the jumper motif after series 1 but, after filming 4 episodes of series 2, requested the jumper be written back in as it helped her get back into the character of Lund.