I was so pissed...


Jan Meyer was killed by Vagn. He was a great character

"You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."


Me too, I found it very upsetting. If I could change one thing about the show, it would be that.


my thoughts exactly.

"You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."



Yes, it was really upsetting that you thought he was going to pull through and then died It also hurt that he seemed to be getting on much better with Sarah Lund because, at the start of the investigation, they didn't hit it off too well and he was very critical of her. You also saw him with his wife and daughters not long before he was killed, and it was a reminder that he had a family life as well as a life in the police force.


yep he was one of my favourite characters, along with Pernille and Rie


SPOILERS obviously

Well, I was sad certainly, because he was a great character; killing him off was important though because it gave Sarah a lot more emotional investment in solving the case - she had to give his death meaning. I like that this show killed off exactly one major character; too many shows have either a central cast among whom no one can die, or an expendable cast in which anyone except the protagonist can die. Jan getting shot, and then dying, constituted a couple of my moments of greatest emotional investment.


Thanks for saving me the effort to write down the exact same sentiment.

Chaos reigns


Yes, like others, I found Meyer's death to be quite a shock.

I loved the subtlety of getting to know and like Meyer over 18 episodes.
When we first met him, he was resentful, lazy and tactless.

As the case progressed, we saw him change as he found respect for Lund and some of his family life was revealed. This culminated in his decisive action in saving Lund from Holck - something which somewhat led us to believe that he would once more save the day when he climbed into the warehouse through the window after seeing the torchlight on the upper floor.


Not even kidding, it devastated me. It was the most intense sadness I've got from a tv show for a long long time!
