Couple of questions about the killer ***spoilers***
1. Are we meant to infer that Vagn was also responsible for killing the drug dealer 20 years before (which everyone seem to think Theis did). At one point Pernille asks Vagn if Theis killed the man, and he replies "Theis didn't kill anybody" -- leaving the implication, at least in retrospect, that perhaps *he* had done so himself.
2. What's the sequence of events between Nanna getting out of Leon's taxi near Hartmann's party's flat and getting captured by Vagn? In his final confession Vagn says Leon phoned the office to say he had given a ride to Nanna (btw, do we ever know whether Nanna recognized him as someone who worked for her dad?), yet he didn't know precisely where she was going, or anything about the flat. Yet somehow Vagn manages to locate the flat, communicate with Nanna that he is there, and persuade or force her to let him in. How the hell did that all happen?