MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsen (2021) Discussion > Is this better than the american version...

Is this better than the american version?

I watched season 1 and the first episode of season 2 and I just thought it was so dull and lackluster. The actors nor the writing interested me. Are these 2 shows very different?


I have never watched the American version, and never plan to.

I love the original. One way to find out?! Give it a go.


The first 5 - 6 episodes follow a similar narrative, but then they diverge quite radically. I think the Danish version is super duper, plot, character development and acting-wise, but like you, I completely lost interest in the US version.


I understand how people prefer originals over what other countries do, theres been tons of copied American media that other countries have completely skrewed an got wrong. I also find it ironic, cause these are written and produced by the same guy... haha funny stuff you swede hypocrite.


I enjoyed the US version and thought Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman were wonderful in their roles, as were many of the supporting actors. However, I just finished watching all three seasons of the original, and I must admit it's better than the US version. I thought the US one did a decent job with the first case--I wasn't one of those who whined about it not being solved in one season--but the stories in the subsequent seasons of the US version weren't as good. I continued to watch primarily because I really liked Enos and Kinnman.

In the Danish version, I thought all three seasons had excellent, multi-layered mysteries, and, as much as I like Mireille Enos, I thought Sofie Gråbol was even better. It's like House of Cards. Kevin Spacey does a great job in the US version, but, if you get a chance to see the UK original [available on DVD and/or Blu-ray], you'll see Ian Richardson give a masterful performance.

Forbrydelsen is really worth watching. I stayed up hours late several nights, because I couldn't stop watching it.


As with most copied American commercial TV versions....the foreign original is always better. With Wallander I can enjoy all versions...but with say Tattoo or Killing..why bother? I suppose some don't read subtitles. Oh well...their loss.
