MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsen (2021) Discussion > US remake/Original - same ending? Which ...

US remake/Original - same ending? Which one should I watch?

No spoilers please.

Does the remake have the same ending as the original? Is the killer the same character in both? If so, which version is the better one?

-You're meshuga!
-I am not your sugar.
The Party


The Americans do not understand the underlying moral & political sensibilities of "Forbrydelsen". They only appreciate the technical & superficial aspects of the Danish version.

As a result, the American version is widely considered inferior.

You are better off watching the "original". It is the difference between authentic originality...and unsophisticated imitation.


please use shorter words, we Americans have trouble understanding anything multisyllabic.


I love that PaulVilla couldn't even answer your question, and instead just decided to insult Americans.

To answer your question, they both have different endings and are both incredibly well executed shows. I'd suggest watching both because they are so similar, and yet so different. Plus the Danish version has another 2 seasons after season 1 with 2 new cases. And The American version has a new season coming out this June, with a completely new case that doesn't follow the Danish series. So, personally, I'd say get double the fix and try both. Maybe watch the original first, and just go chronologically.

Lost in chronological order


And yet you still don't manage to answer all the OP's questions, either!

The killers are different.

The original is better.

By the way, the Danish Season 2 is a continuation of Season 1; it's not a new case.


I'm sorry, but no. The Danish season 2 is NOT the same case. It is an entirely different one, from the beginning.

Wisdom Begins in Wonder


Season 2 is a 100% different case lol. Season 1 is 20 episodes they spilt it over 2 years I believe but it is 1 CASE. Season 2 is 10 episodes and Season 3 is 10 episodes


OMG yes you are (both) right. I think the first series was initially intended to be 2 series of 10 episodes each, but when they realised how popular it was, they showed the second series immediately after (i.e. all the Nana B L case). I thought they were considered 2 series - my mistake.


I've seen all three seasons of Forbrydelsen, and the first season of The Killing. As long as they closely follow the original The Killing is very good. Very good acting from Enos and Kinnaman.

As soon as they stray from the original, it gets bad. By the end of the first season, I was disgusted that they managed to run it into ground that quickly and stopped.


Can I ask why you think they 'ran it into the ground'?? I've not seen the original, I had no idea it even existed before I started the US version. However I did enjoy the remake, I was completely taken in thinking that they had found the killer by the end of season 1.


Highly recommend the Danish. Same with the other popular NORDIC Noir stuff. There is a reason huge number of fans in Denmark. Even the music is perfect here..(sparse).... not rammed down your throat as most American Commercial/Hollywood stuff. Here I can tell when I feel emotions with out the crutch of "terror coming" music or laugh tracks......


Watch the original. I watched the first season of the American was a struggle.

Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common.
Dorothy Parker
