MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsen (2021) Discussion > Does Forbrydelsen have a character like ...

Does Forbrydelsen have a character like Stephen Holder on The Killing?

I've wanted to watch this for years, but I haven't found a copy that I can afford yet. I really disliked "The Killing" but I kept watching, mostly to see Joel Kinneman in his role as Det. Stephen Holder. (I will say that the 3rd season was a huge improvement over the first 2!) Someone just told me that Kinneman was in Forbrydelsen, but that is clearly untrue as multiple searches for both Kinneman and Forbrydelsen have not linked the two. (Though I am glad I heard this untrue assertion because it led me to discover that Kinneman is half-Swedish and was raised in Sweden, which I had no idea about! It would never have occurred to me that Holder was being played by anyone other an American who had grown up in an environment in which people spoke with the unique patois he did in the show. He is quite an actor!)

I am wondering if Forbrydelsen had a character that was the equivalent or was the inspiration for the character of Holder? Looking at the cast list for Forbrydelsen there don't seem to be any main, male characters as young as Holder.

Without spoiling too much could you tell if the character of Sarah had a partner and how he compares with Holder?

I'm going to look some more and see if I can find any articles about how the writers of The Killing and Kinneman can up with the role. Hopefully, I'll get to finally watch Forbrydelsen which has got to be far better than The Killing!

Thanks in advance for any replies!


Yes she has a male side-kick. His name is Jan Meyer, played by this dude He's s bit older than Holder and he doesn't have the same back story at all. The dynamic between him and Lund is also different to that of Linden/Holder, but it's interesting. Also, his story arc is totes not the same and is . Enjoy!


Not quite the same.

In Series 3, a younger male cop joins the force and she [Lund] acts sort of like his mentor. But he is the opposite of Holden - still young & attractive but not as troubled. He is a bit naive, but is eager to learn and works hard. Lund's ex Matthias is also back and they have to work together since their responsibilities overlap. But he isn't like Holden either (i.e. he's fairly "normal," well-adjusted, nice guy).

I haven't seen Series 1 or 2 yet. I've just recently started watching Forbrydelsen so I have a lot of catching up to do. I actually saw the US version first and despite trying very hard to get into it, didn't find myself taking to it as many others have. That's why I put off making the effort with Forbrydelsen. It's easily available for download online if you're familiar with those resources. I'm really glad that I gave Forbrydelsen a chance b/c I like it soo much more than the US version! (Not that I didn't think the US version was good, just that I couldn't connect with the characters for some strange reason).
