MovieChat Forums > Forbrydelsen (2021) Discussion > Bsically a '24' set in twin peaks type o...

Bsically a '24' set in twin peaks type of plot

Come on, all that incoming suspects looks incredibly like 24. WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING, especially that 24 is considered the best series, at least of 2000-2010. What do you think ?


Totally puzzled by the twin peaks comparison. They both involve the death of a teen girl, that's it. Other than being one day of the investigation per episode is like one hour per episode in 24 there isn't any in that either.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


Twin Peaks similarities.

- Teen girl murdered.
- Said teen a 'good girl' later revealed to be not so.
- Teen girl iconically filmed smiling into the camera (the actress who plays Nanna looked a LOT like Sheryl Lee in those shots).
- A mysterious heart-shaped necklace.
- Mother screaming and crying into the phone as her husband on the other end is told of their daughter's murder (that scene was a near-direct lift).
- More than one moody, brooding teen rebel as friends/lovers.

Sadly, there's no Bob to suddenly appear and make viewers scheisse their underwear.

Quand le doigt montre le ciel, l'imbécile regarde le doigt.


- Teen girl murdered.
Just happened to be what they went with.

- Said teen a 'good girl' later revealed to be not so.
What teenager doesn't have secrets?

- Teen girl iconically filmed smiling into the camera (the actress who plays Nanna looked a LOT like Sheryl Lee in those shots).
Smiling into a camera is not unique. As for the similarities to Sheryl Lee, well the point was for her to seem like the "good girl" so the I guess thats the typical look with the same radiance.

- A mysterious heart-shaped necklace.
As a gift of love it is not unlikely for it to be heart-shaped

- Mother screaming and crying into the phone as her husband on the other end is told of their daughter's murder (that scene was a near-direct lift).
Yes I agree here it was similiar.

- More than one moody, brooding teen rebel as friends/lovers.
Are you serious? What teenager isn't moody, brooding or a rebel...


I think there is a heavy "24" influence: the 1 day an episode format, the switching between characters particularly at the end, the political sub-plot, and the camerawork.
"Twin Peaks" (and "24") is one of my favourite shows ever but other than it's about the death of a young girl which has a few suspects I see no connection. The US version with it's close to the border Washington setting and a casino has some minor links, but it is distinctly without David Lynch's insanity.


24 is considered the best series, at least of 2000-2010. What do you think ?

I think The Wire is better.


Twin Peaks similarities.

- Teen girl murdered.
- Said teen a 'good girl' later revealed to be not so.
- Teen girl iconically filmed smiling into the camera (the actress who plays Nanna looked a LOT like Sheryl Lee in those shots).
- A mysterious heart-shaped necklace.
- Mother screaming and crying into the phone as her husband on the other end is told of their daughter's murder (that scene was a near-direct lift).
- More than one moody, brooding teen rebel as friends/lovers.

Pretty much all those have been use time and again in many films/ tv films and dramas, individually wasn't even new to twin peaks

As for Sheryl Lee looking like Nana that's a clear sign someones looking too much in to it.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


I think "24" has been extraordinary influential. Although I only saw a few episodes of "The Wire", thanks partly to BBC's usually ridiculous scheduling of quality US shows (e.g. "Seinfeld" shown every night at approaching midnight, sometimes later, whereas C4 showed "Frasier" at 10 pm on a Friday) and the fact I really didn't care for the characters, I do recognise that was a very brave quality show. Was that to do with the channel it was shown on in the US? I don't know which was is better, I suspect "The Wire", but "24" was perhaps even more groundbreaking. Got to say that the Danish "The Killing" is hard to beat as a one off series.


Don't get me wrong, I loved 24. It was the most exciting TV series I've ever seen and I never thought anything would top it, but The Wire had changed my mind by about episode 6 of season one.

I'm sure you'd care for some of the characters if you saw more than just a few episodes. IMO, no other TV show has ever had so many great characters as The Wire.

There is actually a second series of The Killing and it'll be on BBC FOUR. Not sure when, I read late summer, so maybe after they've finished repeating the 1st series?
Here's a trailer:


changed your mind ? Your life ? In what way ?


While there are a couple overlaps with Twin Peaks in tone, and a few references, they were not in the plot. Twin Peaks was not a Who Killed Laura Palmer? story, that story line was the one supposed to get people hooked to the series, they just weren't able to hook people on another one as compelling in time.

Still, the similarities were obvious enough to know from the beginning that the killer in The Killing couldn't be the killer in Twin Peaks (not to spoil someone who haven't seen Twin peaks yet), they wouldn't be able to live down the ridicule if he was.

However I see no similarities or inspiration from 24. 24 was one long sequence of television cliches, repeated over in the following series. The Killing had more than its shares of cliches as well, but there were hardly any overlap of the 24 and Killing cliches. The innovative element of 24 was the use of split screen, which was never used in The Killing. There was none of the basic plotline of 24, "torture the terrorist to reveal the location of the bomb before it blows up 59:59:00 from now while being foiled by your most trusted co-worker". Hardly any overlap but one that is. In the last episode when Lund hijacked the car at gun point, they should have put up a 45:00:00 sign (or however much was left of that episode). That, and the late internal investigation, was poorly executed and not very believable.

There were some similarities with The Wire in the political plot, but in this case The Wire was the better one. The politicians in The Wire were frighteningly believeable, while the Danish political plot felt phony.


You seriously didn't see the "24" influence. They didn't have split screen or a clock because that is "24"'s gimmick but the 3 different storyline concurrent cutting especailly at the end of an episode was pure "24" Without "24" this show would never had an international impact.


definitely see the Twin Peaks similarities!!

Sure on the inside cover of the DVD I have, it says in huge font "WHO KILLED NANNA BIRK LARSSON?"! Before I ever watched Twin Peaks I was aware of the phrase "Who Killed Laura Palmer?, it is a well known cutural phrase!

They changed the setting, from small town to big city, replacing small town politics to big city politics. They removed all the "Lynchian" elements, fair enough, but there were definitely enough similarities for me to be constantly reminded of TP.

I'm not saying they willingly plagiarised from the show, but there were some of the same elements.

Not so much 24. One day per episode, slightly similar to one hour an episode, but never once did I feel like the killing was using it as some form of gimmick, 24, an absolutley great show I might add, not too far off this one, but the entire show revolved around a gimmick the size of a truck!!!

"Fellas, don't drink that coffee! There was a fish....... IN the percolator!"


> Especially that 24 is considered the best series, at least of 2000-2010.

Far from it. I wouldn't rate "24" even in the top 40 best series in that period of time.


No, 24 is basically just the same episode recycled ad infinitum. The Killing (original) is vastly superior noir.


In regard to cliches, Forbrydelsen's greatest achievement in series 1 is that it pretty much uses every one in the book and yet makes them look fresh. The Danish setting and the noir style sure help a lot with that.


As far as I remember, the concept was from the beginning to make a series similar to Twin Peaks. One murder mystery for the entire season instead of a new murder in every episode. So it's not a coincidence.
