500 Things I Learned from Priest
1) To go against the Church is to go against God.
2) The bullets are for you.
Best YouTube Channel EVAR!:
1) To go against the Church is to go against God.
2) The bullets are for you.
Best YouTube Channel EVAR!:
3) You can jump higher using stones thrown by other people as support
4) A bike can outspeed the train by so much that it takes a long time for the train to catch up
5) In Priest universe, people who jump off trains, bikes or other speeding objects are apparently immune to the laws of physics.
6) You only need hide your daughter from vampires. Your wife is expendable.
No, No! I'm not a vampire.
I'm a driving instructor from Johannesburg!
7. Knife wounds to the shoulder can be easily shrugged off.
8. High Priests refute the existence of vengeance-filled vampres for, well, no apparent reason.
9. The Matrix came out over ten years ago, and yet, fight scenes are copied as if it were only yesterday.
10. Weak, abdandoned vampires are not really that much different from selected vampires.
11. Blade Runner chic still dominates the vision of future city design.
12. Judging by Maggie Q's age, the Great War must have finished, like yesterday. Hardly the stuff of 'history'.
Nobody listens to Techno.
13. Nobody is allowed to talk to priest.
14. The Priests daughter can visit the city by foot and come back in some hours. Paul Bettany needed four days for that with his motorcycle.
15. Karl Urban is actually badass !!!
17. Lowered expectations are good.
share18) Vaughn Fry did not work on Priest. Idiot.
Best YouTube Channel EVAR!:
19) Your fiendish plans should always include kidnapping someone that will bring your Nemesis looking for you.
20) 3D does not make a bad movie even marginally better.
21) When you are wanted by the authorities, leave the city very ostentatiously by the main gate, no one will notice.
22) Bill from "True Blood" is a wuzzy.
The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.
23) You can go from bright skies to total darkness in less than 3.24 seconds. No bounce light. Nothing. The sun doesn't set, it disappears.
share24- The only real trick to killing vampires is figuring out what A to B means.
25- Genetics in the future lead to family members that look nothing alike.
26- It's cool to take vampire actors from other shows/movies and make them human in another vampire movie.
27- Vampire poo solidifies to make mountains.
The trouble with reality is that there's no background music.
28- Humanity totally forgot the mountain where the vampires live and just let them breed like cockroaches. You would expect them to open a hole into that mountain so they could get obliterated by the sun but noooooooo......!
29- If you fall out a moving train that's speeding around 120 mph, get up and dust yourself off.
30- Super soldiers of the future don't wear any type of armor and don't carry guns. Pure martial arts baby!
31- Human Vampires love cowboy hats.
32- If you see a movie that introduces the story via animation, chances are that the movie will be alright.
33 - 3 Priests can wipe out an entire group of vampires but cannot take down one Karl Urban.
No, No! I'm not a vampire.
I'm a driving instructor from Johannesburg!
34- Face tattoos can cause problems with future employment.
35- Paul Bettany/Priest attracts smokin' hot ladies (Jennifer Connelly/ Priestess (Maggie Q) and Lucy's mother)
36- Apparently walking around in a vampire hive is not as insane an idea as it would seem. Or maybe it is.
It'll come to ya.
37. Jim Robinson is a God.
38. It is nice to see a young man perfectly willing to look past his girl's minion-image and continue as things were if she was transformed rather than see her mercifully killed.
39. Vampire hives have a tailoring section that does a nice line in the 'Iconic Cowboy Look' for any unique human vampire who might come along.
Nobody listens to Techno.
40. Turbo-charged bikes can be easily manufactured in future dystopic cities, but the secret of soap (by the look of that congregation at the end) has been long forgotten.
share41. Having a cross tattooed on your face will give you super powers.
42. Vampires don't have eyes.
43. Brad Dourif is creepy in every role he has ever played.
44. If you sell stuff to kill vampires, they will eat you.
"The natural state of mankind is war." - Nietzsche
45. You have the technology to develop electronic confessionals, but you still listen to music on a wind-up Victrola.
46. Even though you have super-fast motorcycles with computerized controls, you still use steam locomotives.
47. You can build signs that beam inspirational messages all over the city, but you can't paint a hallway or wash your clothes.
47. City people dress like extras in a 1930 Soviet movie; country people dress like extras in a Hollywood Western.
48. A knife to the shoulder can hold up a full grown man to a wall
49. People dont care that their main protection(the sun) is blotted out from their city while there are still vampires locked in prisons
50. Vampires are kept alive and in prisons, even though they are the sworn enemy of mankind and are no longer hunted down and exterminated, because the war is over?
If time is not true, what purpose have watchmakers?
51. words of the priest have no use towards the vampires
52. all he need is 10 seconds
53. tattoos on the forehead gives them superhuman abilities
54. never trust a priest who swore celibacy after almost being married
55. the queen is not yet dead
56. to go against the church, is really not going against God
57. confessions can be hi-tech; while soap, hygiene and bath are so old-fashion
58. the priest, priestess and sheriff can survive in the desert for days without eating
59. the Vietnamese priestess is hot
60. how to shoot vampires from point A to point B
"The path to true love isn't always straight."
61. Priests don't use firearms.
share62. just because your good with a knife doesnt mean your good with a gun
63. always start at the back of the train...course thats where they'd keep someone locked up...NOT
64. if your good with a knife and so-so with a gun you can tag along and just not really do anything useful
65. Closing your eyes and clasping your hands in prayer just seconds before the enemy attacks will grant you superhuman powers.
66. It is a good idea to drive a motorcycle rigged with explosives toward the train your friends are on even without knowing whether they've gotten off.
67. You can dismember a human body in the air with an elastic wire and the ensuing pieces falling from the sky will resemble delicious cuts of pork.
68. When you open the Bible, it will read Psalm 23:4 and there are shurikens hiding inside.
69. When destroying a town and there happens to be classical music playing in the background, wave your arms about as if conducting an orchestra.
Yep, my videos so lack passion. You got me.
Best YouTube Channel EVAR!:
70 - You can kill 3 priests without any trouble at all, but it is always best to have an elaborate plan to draw them out anyway, even if they may catch on to your master plan in the process and therefore have a chance to stop it.
71 - You can kill Priests with one punch but it is always best to leave the most dangerous one alive, even when hung to a wall and at your mercy.
72 - Nobody will respect you for winning the Human vs Vampire War, in fact they will not even remember who or what you are, neither will they teach their children.
Shouldn't have been cancelled..
-New Amsterdam
73 - the sheriff should have been a mute.
74 - Lord voldemort is now a butcher in the wastelands.
75 - There must always be a stereotypical asian priest that twirls his weapons about for demonstration before attacking.
76 - the best way to transport a vampire army is by locomotive.
79- if you get back handed so hard that you black out, just have someone pick you up by the arm to be fully revived.
80 - Super-charged nitro-enabled jet-planed engined motorcycles have great mileage per gallon, no fuel tank needed.
81 - "I don't see anything" means you're about to get killed by something hiding in the dark.
82 - The brother of a priest have no life and can easily replace him in his family and take care of his wife and daughter when the priest is called by the Church.
83 - Never let a co-worker fall into a hole, it could avoid you problems later and even save the world.
84. At what time were rocks stacked up like a game of Jenga in the future?
85. Hey Church, let's get rid of our only protection against the vampires... the priests!
86. Oh and better yet, let's not support the badass of the priests when he wants to go hunt them down... in fact, lets make him a fugitive for no reason in particular.
87. If a priest compliments you with "you would've made a good priest"... don't let it go to your head.
88. Roasted duck is a very rare cuisine in destopian future... only served by vampires to their human hostages.
Paul bettany will always play a church related role
89. Vampires have their own train-link company.
90. After falling on hard times when the muppet show shut down, Kermit decided to try his luck as a vampire drag queen.
91. Don't believe what the Christians tell you... priests were invented to kill vampires.
92. Religions who declare all out crusade/jihad on vampires, still serve blood at mass.
93. Vampires are related to those big lizards in Jurassic Park.
94. If Blade moved to Priest-verse, a lot of muthaphukkas would be ice-skating up hill... in the desert.
95. Saying 5 hail Marys per day will make you stronger than all the spinach in the world.
Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests
96. Despite waging a war with an ancient enemy for thousands of years your best weapons technology comes down to a handful of martial artists who are able to kill millions of vampires, yet 3 cannot kill one human/vamp hybrid and yet they STILL won't rethink their gun stance.
97. When describing how long a war has lasted via voiceover overlapping an animated segment that depicts the war being waged through several industrial revolutions it is appropriate to say it went on for "years" instead of something more alliterating like "generations" or "eons" or even "decades", that shows what good writing the viewer can look forward to.
98. Apparently you can be an ultimate weapon in an ancient war at 10 as long as you have some Vietnamese blood in you.
99. The people who ran the war, found the ultimate weapon and finally defeated an ancient foe will simply push those foes into loosely guarded reservations, will allow a queen to live because one of your weapons gets dragged away and will then disbelieve their main general to the point of sending people to kill him. This will in turn make viewers think their must be a reason the people in charge protest so much and that their has to be a twist, ESPECIALLY when they vehemently deny physical evidence thrown at their feet, but in the end it turns out they are just stupid.
100. Also it is perfectly acceptable story writing to ignore the part at the beginning when sunlight is described as humanities greatest ally and they show an army mortaring the side of a giant mountain hive. In fact after ignoring that the writer should probably show a small group of people walking into a MASSIVE one of these hives at night in what appears to be an extermination mission, because the viewer will never think "hey, why not just bomb the mountain in the morning?"
share101) Mädchen Amick is still ridiculously hot.
"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Makes her home."
102) When your colleague tells you "I don't know, feels like a grave.", you better haul ass out of there.
HONEY! It's made from honey!
103. There is no sun in the cities... not anymore.
share104. If you're not committing sin, you're no longer having fun.
HONEY! It's made from honey!
105. You can easily stand up on a bike going 190mph on some train tracks... Despite wind resistance and the unevenness of the tracks.
106. After an explosion, a cowboy hat can stay in the air for minutes until you look up. At which point it falls right at your feet.
107. The Church teaches us that the Eyes are the window of the soul, and since the vampire evolved without eyes, it is a soulless creature, to be eradicated.
HONEY! It's made from honey!
108. Knife wounds to the shoulder put you to sleep.
109. If huge walls are needed to protect the cities, run-down old wooden shacks are fine for outposts.
110. Metal trains have wooden floorboards.
111. Creatures without sight who are killed by sunlight put skylights in their hives.
112. Reading aloud from a bible is useless when confronting vampires. Your words mean nothing to them.
HONEY! It's made from honey!
113. While the technology has moved forward, fashion seems to have gone backwards. To the 1800s.
114. You cannot take the bad guy seriously in a cowboy hat, he just looks camp.
115. A train seems the least conspicuous way to transport your vampire army.
116. If a strange train pulls into your station, don't go and investigate.
117. Whatever you do, don't scream.
Sleep those little slices of death, How I loathe them -Edgar Allan Poe
118. Vampires... do not... glitter!
HONEY! It's made from honey!
119. Standing on top a train going at least over 200 miles per hour, Black Hat somehow manages to keep his hat from flying off his head.
shareThe more elaborate you demonstrate your skill with weapons/martial arts the faster you will bite it in the movie.
"When the weight of the world is on your shoulders, plant your feet."
Best chance for Paul Bettany to become a legit action star, get the hell away from writer/director Scott Stewart.
121) Tom Cruise had it all wrong in Mission: Impossible. Standing on top of a speeding train is easy.
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