romania's best of the three revolutin films of 2006
at least imo.i would like to hear what you think
even equiped with a shovel and you couldn't dig this
at least imo.i would like to hear what you think
even equiped with a shovel and you couldn't dig this
i agree this film is superb.....and it manages to put the audience in the middle of the revolution...very realistic...but i also liked A fost sau n-a fost...very funny...
sharei didn't say A fost sau n-a fost was bad,i just saud that this was better.
even equiped with a shovel and you couldn't dig this
I've seen "Hartia va fi albastra" (Paper Will Be Blue) and "A fost sau n-a fost" (East of Bucharest) at the Seattle International Film Festival at enjoyed them both.
The second one is a wonderful little comedy about human nature, not really a movie about the Romanian revolution. "Hartia va fi albastra" on the other hand, is a very realistic portrayal of what the "revolution" meant to the real people involved.
It wasn't like the movies, death didn't make sense, there were no irrationally brave heroes, just normal, confused, scared people...No matter what they were wearing, they were all just people. I should know, I watched it "live" on TV ;).
I love both movies for different reasons.
this film was a lot darker then the other two films (which i say are comedies in a larger sense)
shareYep, my favourite of the 3 too. I thought it was more cohesive and powerful than the other two. Both "A fost sau n-a fost" and "Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii" were rather scarced and lacking something, either in story or in production.
Though its fair to say I've enjoyed "A fost.." tremendously, a very clever film and with a certain degree of depth. "Cu mi-am petrecut..." was pretty good, it just didn't strike a chord with me.
Asta e si parerea mea. In ordine:
1. Hirtia va fi albastra
2. Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii
3. A fost sau n-a fost
"A fost sau n-a fost" l-am pus ultimul pentru ca mi se pare ca regizorul e mai interesat de a experimenta diferite moduri de a filma decat de fondul subiectului in sine. In plus de asta pentru un non-român trebuie sa fie groaznic de suportat o jumatate de ora cu un cadru cu trei oameni vorbind la o masa, personal nu cred ca as fi rezistat.
"Cum mi-am petrecut" este bun dar putin idilic si romantat, ne aminteste tuturor cum se canta imnul la scoala, de serbari si defilari etc. "Hirtia" in schimb nu cade in pacatul nostalgiei, e mult mai puternic si echilibrat, tensiunea si confuzia sunt palpabile.
A propos, stie cineva de ce titlul filmului e "Hîrtia" cu "î" din "i" si nu cu "î" din "a"? Din cate stiu eu nu mai e caligrafia oficiala, desi unele ziare fac rezistenta si continua sa scrie "old school". Vreo idee?
Toate trei sunt foarte bune pentru cinematografia romaneasca, sunt si foarte diferite intre ele si nu pot sa fac un clasament.
Toate trei sunt facute mai ales pentru noi, pt romani, ceea ce e un lucru foarte bun, regizorii nu au bagat chestii explicative pt outsideri, care ar fi facut filmele mai pedante si plictisitoare.
Asta in schimb poate fi o problema pentru prezentarea lor in exterior, dar contin suficiente teme si subiecte aplicabile oriunde in lume ca sa fie apreciate de orice cinefil. Din unghiul asta cred ca cel mai mult pierde "Hirtia...", unii nici nu o sa inteleaga ca pe ecran am vazut de la inceput pana la sfarsit numai luptatori de aceeasi parte a baricadei. "Cum mi-am..." mi se pare filmul cu structura cea mai clara dar in acelasi timp si mai slab in caracterizarea personajelor.
Ganditi-va ca mai e filmul ala despre revolutie "15" care am vaga senzatie ca a inghitit un buget cat pentru toate astea trei impreuna, si cu ce rezultat?
In concluzie cred ca in sfarsit suntem pe calea cea buna.
E un film-documentar, in pwla mea.
Asa se scria pe atunci cu cu "î" din "i" si nu cu "î" din "a".
It's pays "homage" to the old days of Communism.
You're just too limited/blind to see the reference.
What sort of a *beep* retarded question is that?!
signature :
...something deep and overwhelming...
Could you tell me if you saw this movie in the US and if you did, how? Neither Netflix nor Amazon have it. My library doesn't either. I appreciate any help you can give.