MovieChat Forums > Flipped (2010) Discussion > 'Judeo-Christan blasphemous expletives'?

'Judeo-Christan blasphemous expletives'?

Honestly, Reiner?
It kind of almost made sense in Stand By Me, but where in this story did you find a place for blasphemy?


wherever the *beep* he wanted to. what does it matter? it's not the ONLY movie that has such words. do you go on those boards and whine? what makes this movie different?

That is all. You may now bow and applaud.


@ashymr - Did you enjoy Stand By Me?


I was just commenting on how he manages to put blasphemes in every movie, even one as "innocent" (as he called it) as Flipped. That's all.

And yes, I did enjoy Stand By Me, but I can only imagine that Stephen King actually put those words in his short story (haven't gotten around to reading it yet), so I can take it since Reiner was just being true to the writing.

The worst word in Flipped is "jackass". Pretty sure any other expletive is unnecessary.

Sorry for posting my opinion on an open, internet message board.


And all that said, I'm still looking forward to seeing this movie. It's been one of my favorite books for about seven years now.

Not dissing the book or movie, just stating my opinion, as I said.


Excuse me, but where did you find "Judeo Christian blasphemous expletives" in this film?

I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.


The only language I noticed was a couple forms of the words "sht" and ass.
Yeah, pretty mild.

I'm gonna start a {r/e/v/o/l/u/t/i/o/n} from my bed.


He did take the Lord's name in vain.


To be fair, there's at least one "goddammit" and one mention of Jesus as an expletive. The language is there, no sense really in arguing that. One could argue "goddammit" isn't technically a Judeo-Christian blasphemy, but we don't need to go there either...

And really, for a PG movie, there's a lot of language. It's pretty rare to hear a daughter call her father an "a$$hole" and then tell him to "go to hell" in what is essentially a kid film.

Probably should've been PG-13, given the tense family situations and the language.


PG-13? If this movie was PG13 that would be the epitome of everything wrong with our rating system. This is a movie clearly aimed at "tweens", perfectly appropriate for the 10-13 crowd (though I personally would be a little wary of it with the 7-9 group). There is no language in the movie that 10 year old kids haven't heard a 100 times, and if I recall there is no language that is really used gratuitously. The daughter calling her dad an ***hole? Used to drive home the point of exactly how bad he walking that even his own daughter would call him on it. No way should this be PG13. Not unless you are raising your kid in a bubble.


Should have clarified. I'm assuming we're working within the MPAA's rating system as it is now.

As it is, that's the kind of language usually associated with a PG-13 film. Whether it's a good system or not is certainly up for debate, but it's clearly marketed to be a family film and most family films don't have that kind of language.

I agree that the film SHOULD NOT be PG-13, but if we're working within the system the MPAA has set up, it's closer to a PG-13 than a PG. That being said, I think the system is changing for the better. I couldn't believe The Big Year got away with a PG.

Whether or not a 4th/5th grade kid has heard that kind of language a hundred times is all very relative.

And although, once again, I agree with you, whether language is used to drive home a point or not is irrelevant to the MPAA. Doesn't matter how you use it. Just as there's no artful depiction of sexuality or violence, there's no artful use of language.


I put this movie off for a very very long time because the cover made it look like it would have bible thumping messages mixed in. I cant stand that. I waited to hit the stop button but then I heard Bryce say "5hit" and I relaxed and enjoyed the movie. If I had noticed Reiner directed it, I would have watched it months ago.


How dare you?!? God have mercy on your soul.



Man, if the blasphemous language in this film bothered you, then I recommend you never watch a Spanish movie. Really, you watched this movie and all you came away from it is that they blasphemed? You need to get a thicker skin.


I agree, this movie has some material that's really jaw-dropping for a PG nowadays, but that material makes this movie, I think, more realistic and gives some edge that works to its advantage as opposed to its disadvantage. I will say that in regards to the "innocent" adjective used by the director, I agree with the overall vibe of innocence its 1963 setting (very accurately) gives off in a lot of ways (which in turn makes those other scenes and aspects more jarring). I thought this was a great movie for young and adult alike, by the way (but, yeah, I think it has some material more tense and mature than a lot of elementary school-age kids would definitely not be ready for).
