I didn't catch all of it at the end when the list of conditions that made a person immune to zombie attack were mentioned but was HIV/AIDs mentioned? I would imagine that they would work as protection and I can see Hollywood enjoying the irony.

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I have to agree with you the end credits failed to mention the human afflictions making one immune to a Zombie attack. Those diseases were however mentioned at end in the "directors cut." This list of chronic and incurable diseases would make any victim essentially safe from a Zombie.

1) All the variants of Leukemia.

2) Advanced Coronary Heart Disease.

3) Lyme Disease.

4 ) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

5) Blue Balls (aka testicular engorgement).

6) Migraine headache (from nagging wife.)

7) Newly erupted herpes sore on "Mr. Big."

8) Rectal bleeding after eating some nasty food at the new funky Mexican restaurant.

9) Ingrown toenails. (Must be at least two.)

10) Nasty growth in armpit.

12) Bronchial tumor with hair.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


lol...Number 5 is *beep* gold man,


It was a stupid plot twist anyway. Since the zombies were dead (according to the WHO scientists), what was the point of avoiding sick victims? Would a "sick" dead person somehow be a less capable zombie than a "healthy" dead person? It doesn't make any sense.


This was actually addressed. The Zombies were searching for Hosts to pass the virus to. So...if a person was terminally ill or diseased, it would be a poor choice of Host. Usually, we see movies where the Prime Objective of a Zombie is to eat humans. This movie differed as the Zombies were fast, felt revenge when another Zombie was killed and their Prime Objective was to spread the virus.


maybe I misunderstood, I was flipping through the channels, and only saw the last 1/2 hour or so of the movie, and I get that they were going to 'inoculate' non-zombies with some virus/disease, so that the zombies would ignore them, but....what about the disease the person was now infected with? I mean, if they injected a soldier with something bad enough that a zombie would ignore them, what, was it a race of how many zombies the soldier could destroy before the 'inoculation disease' killed him? it's like, 'yay! I won't become a zombie...but I have polio...' I just don't get the logic, it's like, if HIV could cure cancer, or vice versa, how many people would go for that?


The disease would be a fatal but curable one. This would allow, as you see at the end of the movie, people to move among the zombies without fear of being attacked in order to effect their destruction. Most of the movie demonstrated how incredibly fast and overwhelming the zombies and the disease could be.


It probably would. Which makes the entire story nonsensical, as there should be millions of cases of the whole "zombies ignore sick people" thing at the start of the movie, and the UN or CDC or whoever should have noticed it.


I think the movie sort of gets away with that by taking place in such a short span of time (it's, what, three or four days maybe?); it basically is the story of the UN noticing it. It didn't bug me that people wouldn't notice right off, especially as most terminally ill people wouldn't be out wandering the streets but would likely be lingering in hospital beds nobody was bothering to check, and probably more susceptible to dying of infections or accidents in all the chaos.


And many more would die in the mad rush and panic that would ensue. Cities become overrun. Explosions occur. Essential services will be lost. There will be food shortages, gas shortages, dead bodies everywhere beginning to decompose, disease, vermin -- the healthy and sick alike will die aplenty even if they manage to avoid the zombies -- until things are brought under some sort of control.

They tried containment in several cities and it failed. They tried isolation and that failed as well. All Gerry did was to buy them time. Millions will already be dead but it will give the survivors a chance to regroup and try to help one another. They'll be able to establish safe zones and they'll be able to begin to lure and kill of as many of the infected as possible as shown near the end of the movie.

Since they still don't know what started it all, they will still need to focus on that because it might all start up again once they've killed off the infected. But for now, injecting themselves with a curable fatal illness will buy them time.


The combo of meningitis, H1N1 and Smallpox was the end camo, but HIV was not mentioned even earlier when Gerry gave the rundown of his idea.



Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!
